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City Commission Work Session Minutes - September 9, 2021


Commissioner Todd Weaver

Commissioner Marty Sullivan

City Manager Randy Knight

City Clerk Rene Cranis

Also Present:

Planning and Transportation Director Bronce Stephenson

Electric Utilities Director Dan D’Alessandro

Finance Director Wes Hamil

City Attorney Dan Langley

1) Call to Order Commissioner Weaver called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) a. Orange Avenue Overlay- Enhancement Menu Discussion Regarding Onsite Production of Electricity Commissioner Weaver stated the purpose of the meeting is to discuss enhancements for the OAO concerning solar and other types of power for new development.

Mr. Stephenson explained that the enhancement menu and multiplier to cover costs of the renewable energy/solar panels.

Commissioner Weaver said the city is looking for parameters to define enhancements which could include the number of kilowatts of a system and the cost per kilowatt.

Commissioner Sullivanexplained that the enhancement is a capital investment by which a developer is granted credits toward increased FAR and how the solar enhancement translates from investment dollars to square feet. He noted that the Commission determined the cost for commercial land to be $70/per square foot and discussed a scenario based on a $100k investment and the credits awarded to a developer using the square footage cost and multiplier. Discussion followed on a percentage increase to the FAR versus a square footage increase to the building and the impacts to different subareas.

Commissioner Weaver noted that Subarea C could benefit from the enhancement if a parking garage was to be allowed. He discussed increasing the multiplier and stated that he would like to have a sub-category that strongly encourages solar on the top floor of parking garages.

Mr. Stephenson agreed with Commissioner Weaver and stated that language needs to be put in the code to explain that when the top floor is utilized, it does not count toward FAR. Commissioner Sullivan agreed. Commissioner Weaver stated that staff will draft the language and include language regarding the structure to support the solar panels. Discussion was held on points to be included in the language and solar for rooftop dining.

Mr. D'Alessandro responded to questions. He stated there is no significant impact to electric utility revenue other than reduction of revenues from certain commercial development that decide to use solar. He discussed issues related battery storage and capacity.

In-depth discussion followed on inclusion of battery storage impacts and benefits, square footage/FAR calculations and costs under different development scenarios, investment vs enhancement, developer ROI and multiplier number (1.5 or 2).

Discussion followed on language for rooftop restaurants. Mr. Stephenson reviewed the initial language for enhancement S.1 and suggested clarifying that language to require safety railings and that areas are not to be air conditioned.

Discussion followed on structure costs for solar roofs, FAR and conditional use criteria related to the solar enhancement. Consensus was to readdress the topic at the first reading of the zoning code amendment.

The meeting adjourned at 2:13 p.m.

Posted to on December 28, 2021.

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