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City Commission Work Session Minutes - July 14, 2022

Present Mayor Phil Anderson (arrived at 1:03); Vice-Mayor Todd Weaver; Commissioners Marty Sullivan, Sheila DeCiccio and Kris Cruzada; City Manager Randy Knight; City Clerk Rene Cranis.

1) Call to Order Vice-Mayor Weaver called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) a. Fiscal Year 22-23 Department Budget Presentation Mr. Knight stated six departments will be making presentations with remaining in upcoming regular meetings or another work session.

Police Department Chief Volkerson presented organizational chart, which was changed to adding back Deputy Chief position and two Captain positions. He presented performance indicators showing reduction in response times attributable to full staffing and crime statistics, traffic crashes. He reviewed accomplishments for FY 22 - staffing, training (CIT training), traffic enforcement and reaccreditation (excelsior accreditation) and FY 23 goals including adding community service officer (non-sworn) program and increasing community engagement. He advised of future years' expenditures. He responded to questions regarding speeding on Brewer curves and was asked if a motorcycle officer's is an option. Chief Volkerson said he is opposed to motorcycles for safety reasons.

Mr. Knight explained that Commission can send comments to staff and will be provided with a spreadsheet to make and submit questions.

Director of Building and Permitting Gary Hiatt explained levels of service and key performance indicators. He summarized permit and inspection activity and statistics and larger projects underway. He presented last year's accomplishments including an upgraded permitting system, improved automated permitting process and internship programs and next year's goals including certification of permit technicians and state certifications for some inspectors and provided the construction outlook for FY 23. He thanked other departments for their support of their division.

Commissioner Sullivan asked about a training plan for employees to keep certification and add to their certifications and whether it affects retention. Mr. Hiatt said that employees receive additional pay for attaining additional certifications. Recruitment and retention are problematic for all agencies.

Clarissa Howard, Director of Communications, explained the department's mission and organizational chart. She reviewed their levels of service. She outlined Prior year accomplishments including video series "Meet Your Department" and other events promoted. She reported on social media follower demographics and top social media and video posts. She provided next year's goals including community alliances, communication support to city advisory boards, and branding.

Commissioner DeCiccio commended Communication staff on their work.

Commissioner Sullivan asked if putting more money into arts and culture would give a return to city businesses. Mrs. Howard responded that the city is participating in a nationwide arts and culture study. She explained that the $30,000 in the budget is purely for marketing and added that the city does provide additional support.

Director of Natural Resources and Sustainability Gloria Eby explained organizational chart, levels of service, key performance indicators for sustainability (recycling, residential audits) and Lakes for clarity and nutrients and aquatic plants. She highlighted previous year's accomplishments and outlined next year's goals to implement additional sustainability programs, implementation of sustainability action plan, technology and process improvement. She explained basis for increased personnel and operating expenses from prior years. She provided information on major projects including Howell Branch Preserve, studies, education and programs.

Commissioner Weaver asked what the capital outlay funds would cover and department funding sources. Ms. Eby explained that the funds are coming out of the stormwater fee and is needed for improved equipment and technology. Mr. Knight added that the Lakes Division is predominantly funded by stormwater utility and sustainability is funded from general fund.

Staff responded to questions regarding statistics on recycling and charging station locations and costs. Mr. Knight will look at improper use of charging stations and enforcement. Mrs. Eby is actively looking for grants to expand program.

Director of Planning and Transportation Jeff Briggs spoke about the large amount of customer serviceand increased responsibility and work managing zoning matters. He provided details on the budget, the largest portion being staff costs. He reported a decrease in planning matters which will refocus efforts on updating city codes and regulations including single-family zoning and lakefront homes. He noted that comp plan amendments will begin next year with re-adoption due in February 2024. He responded to questions explaining that improvements on state roads have to be coordinated with FDOT and is pushing for study on Brewer Curves.

Acting Director of Public Works Don Marcotte explained the department's organizational chart and responsibilities and key performance indicators for each division. He listed engineering projects with design and construction done primarily in house and listed accomplishments for each division. He showed map showing the areas with stormwater treatment. He noted the budget was impacted in increased supply cots. He reviewed capital projects and costs and major projects. Staff responded to questions stating that projects could be impacted by supply costs. Mr. Marcotte said that staff training and certification is encouraged and receive additional pay based on certification and education. He reported on relationship with other local agencies. Mr. Knight stated that the city also has interlocal agreements with other agencies.

Commissioner Weaver commended staff of the maintenance of sidewalks and roads but there are construction projects that have created dips in roads. Mr. Marcotte said there are standards but he will look into issues.

Mayor Anderson displayed the 10-Year Proforma and spoke about the contingency fund balance and the need to consider how short and long-term expenditures impact the contingency fund over time and discussion followed.

3) Adjournment

Posted to on October 14, 2022.

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UCF Nicholson School of Communication and Media

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