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City Commission Work Session Minutes - October 22, 2020


Vice Mayor Cooper

Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Todd Weaver City Manager Randy Knight

City Attorney Kurt Ardaman

City Clerk Rene Cranis

Also Present

Director of Planning and Transportation Bronce Stephenson

Principal Planner Jeff Briggs

Planner Allison McGillis

Division Director of Office of Management and Budget Peter Moore

Vice Mayor Cooper called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 2) Discussion Item(s)

a. Discussion on Future Annexations Mr. Briggs reviewed the regulations for the different annexation options: voluntary, annexation of enclaves by agreement with Orange County, voter referendum, and by agreement with the property owner. He outlined the policies relative to the West Fairbanks Avenue corridor and summarized the city's investment in infrastructure improvements and removal of billboards to improve the major gateway into the city. He explained the comp plan policies for protection of residential and showed renderings reflecting this policy and of planned development on West Fairbanks. Mr. Stephenson provided additional information on development plans and potential improvements to sidewalks and landscaping buffers along Fairbanks. He and Mr. Briggs responded to questions regarding redevelopment on the north side ofFairbanks. Attorney Ardaman acknowledged Vice Mayor Cooper’s request to research language that may allow the city to give preference to taxable entities. Mr. Briggs reviewed policy direction for the south side of West Fairbanks including the pending annexation of seven lots on Kentucky Avenue and potential annexations of properties south of Kentucky Avenue between I-4 and Formosa.

In response to comments by Vice Mayor Cooper, Mr. Ardaman stated he will research the city’s the authority to hold a city-wide referendum in the absence of a neighborhood referendum.

Mr. Briggs stated that staff will continue discussions with interested parties on development proposals. He suggested that the city should not provide sanitary sewer unless the property is annexed into the city. Consensus was that the city should maintain control of this annexation area. Staff responded to questions regarding sanitary sewer capacity and lift stations.

Vice Mayor Cooper commented on fragmented annexations and feels the city should have a policy for review, evaluation, timing of a cost benefit analysis and public participation in the city’s annexation reserve areas. Discussion followed on fragmented annexations, timing and unknown plans for redevelopment.

Mr. Moore gave a presentation on the Killarney Area Annexation (KAA) and disclosed that this analysis is based on current conditions since future development is unknown. He stressed the need to look at the entire region including Ravaudage and outlined three scenarios showing impact on city service, costs and revenues for both KAA and Ravaudage. Staff is recommending the third scenario which splits the costs between the KAA annexation and buildout of Ravaudage and results in an outcome that shows a slightly positive long-term impact. Staff responded to questions on the analysis.

Mr. Knight said if there is interest by the commission to annex the KAA, the process will begin with a neighborhood referendum and would be placed on future Commission agenda. Mr. Stephenson advised that the Killarney neighborhood would like to make presentation.

3) Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:56 p.m.

Posted to on November 19, 2020.

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