Mayor Phil Anderson
Vice-Mayor Carolyn Cooper
Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio
Commissioner Todd Weaver
City Manager Randy Knight
City Clerk Rene Cranis
Also Present:
Director of Planning and Transportation Bronce Stephenson
Transportation Manager Sarah Walter
1) Call to Order
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m.
2) Discussion Item(s) a. Discussion on OAO ZoningCode Mayor Anderson said he would like to discuss items, conceptually, and then in detail.He suggested removing Subarea G as he believes traffic, projects and major park projects should be considered before a final decision is made on Subarea G.
Discussion was held on use and intent of the SubareaG properties and potential size of structures and the properties the city is trying to purchase for road improvements/turn lanes.
Mayor Anderson asked staff to provide a study of intersections and statistical view of bottlenecks in the area to identify traffic problems and options to unlock the Fairbanks and Orange Avenue corridors. Vice Mayor Cooper asked for the list of accidents for the area to be included.
Mayor Anderson summarized the discussion stating there is support from the Commission was to remove Subarea G with staff to report back to the commission as requested.
The following items were discussed: • Table 4 - Enhancement menu – Parking Category: After discussion, consensus was to convert the Enhancement menu from percentage- based to square footage.
• Activate Enhancements: Discussion was held on whether a parking garage should be required to unlock the enhancement menu.
• Realignment of Palmetto, massing studies and illustrations.
After discussion, consensus was to use the Palmetto Ave property for rendering showing 100% FAR created by LandDesign.
Mayor Anderson noted that Land Design ratios in its illustrations showed more parking than the draft OAO ordinance. Mr. Stephenson will ask Land Design to correct the errors. Commissioner Sullivan added that the Subarea D illustration should updated to include the realignment of Palmetto as requested by the Commission.
• First WHEREAS paragraph.
Mr. Stephenson confirmed that the City Attorney had approved the language.
Commissioner Cooper’s list: • P. 1, #6. What is a realistic process and timing to pursueSunRail right of way use? Mr. Stephenson will provide an update with processes to the Commission.
• Column A# 27 - Mobility Fee – Mr. Stephenson mentioned that there will be an internal impact fees discussion on April 5 and results of that discussion will be presented to the Commission. Discussion was held on the need for an impact fee to be adopted for the OAO prior to the second reading. Agreed by consensus.
Mayor Anderson suggested that at 3:00 p.m. the Commission begin the earmarks discussion and then restartOAO discussion. He asked that each commissioner give their top five or six items they would like to cover.
Commissioner Sullivan:
• Setbacks lines are specified but need to defined as “build-to” line as a general concept on Orange Avenue and smaller lots on Fairbanks. Commissioner DeCiccio suggested it should apply to ProgressPoint as well. Agreed by consensus.
• Add “shared office space” as permitted use.
Commissioner DeCiccio: • Progress Point – Decide on number of buildings, stories and uses. • Bike paths locations. • Holler J property development discussion
Discussion was held on Progress Point parameters. Consensus to allow a maximum height of 35 feet. Commissioner Cooper said the maximum pervious coverage should be corrected to be 75%. Mr. Stephenson stated that ACi is confirming that 90% FAR is correct for maximum achievable FAR with a parking structure.
Commissioner Weaver suggested extending the Progress Point parking garage over to Cypress Street. Agreed by consensus.
Commissioner Cooper expressed her concern about future considerations for setbacks and step backs and said Areas J and D along major arterial roads should match setbacks of Paseo. Staff will review and provide findings to the Commission.
Commissioner Weaver: • Fairbanks Avenue. He discussed traffic light timings, eliminating curb cuts and moving primary access. He suggested making rear access to the J properties and on the northwest side of the G properties and putting a cul-de-sac at the end of Comstock at Lake Rose. • Prohibited uses – Medical Marijuana dispensaries. He remarked that state statute allows dispensaries to be located anywhere pharmacies are allowed and asked staff to consult with the City Attorney to prevent any legal issues.
Commissioner Cooper:
• Parking in Area D – Multi-family. She expressed her concerns with reducing parking requirements and asked Mr. Stephenson to review the multi-family parking requirement.
• Page 8 – Circulation Requirements. She expressed concern about redevelopment of old car dealerships and abandoned church or schools. Discussion was held on traditional neighborhood design, understanding block sizes and how it relates the J properties. She asked the Commission to review the documentation she provided on this topic.
Discussion moved to earmark projects.
Mr. Knight presented the list of community project funding items. He stated that four topics had been discussed and rooftop solar for the library had been added as the fifth, which could be funded from recent stimulus funding. He provided the final list which includes solar awning at the compound,Central Park stage, Mead Garden improvements and parking at MLK Park and reviewed cost, city contribution and time constraints. He recommended picking two or three to discuss with Congresswoman Murphy.
He responded to questions regarding parking plans and limitations, and need for different uses of the park and events at Library and Event Center.Valencia College is interested in discussing a joint parking arrangement on their property and another property owner across Harper Street has expressed interest in a joint parking arrangement. Discussion followed on available parking and other joint parking arrangements.
Mayor Anderson asked if changing the Mead Garden improvements to a Progress Point/Mead Garden Corridor transformation would fit into the funding being discussed. Mr. Knight suggested the possibility of doing the project in phases as a complete path cannot be completed in 12 months. Commissioner DeCiccio suggested that Progress Point park be included and Commissioner Cooper recommended including the expansion of the path to the Sunrail.
Commissioner Weaver stated that his number one project is the solar awning. Mr. Knight suggested that the funding for the solar awning come from stimulus funding due to the time limitations. He responded to questions regarding other options for solar and stated that there are other locations such as the water plants, sewer plant, parking lots, but none have been designed at this time.
Discussion was held on other potential projects including additional phases for fiber network, Housing Authority facility improvements, repurposing of the Library, City Hall renovations and a parking garage at City Hall. Mr. Knight stated that some of the projects could qualify for the stimulus but at this time there was no consensus of how to move forward with the old library property and the other projects could not be completed in a year as required under the earmarked funds.
After further discussion on the list, consensus was to add the parking garage with two stories and three levels to the list and have Mr. Knight speak with Mead Garden staff to identify additional improvements/enhancements. Mayor Anderson said that he will work to refine the list with Mr. Knight and meet with Congresswoman Murphy.
Discussion returned to OAO. Mayor Anderson suggested that the Commission submit their individual comments to Mr. Stephenson who will combine and redistribute the updated document to everyone prior to the next meeting.
The next OAO work session will be held on April 15th at 1:00 p.m.
3) Adjournment
The work session adjourned at 4:01 p.m.
View the original PDF at the City of Winter Park. (
Posted to on May 3, 2021.