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City Commission Work Session Minutes - February 25, 2021


Vice-Mayor Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

City Clerk Rene Cranis


Mayor Steve Leary

Also Present:

Director of Planning and Transportation Bronce Stephenson

Transportation Manager Sarah Walter

1) Call to Order Vice-Mayor Cooper called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) Orange Avenue Overlay - Comprehensive Plan Element Vice-Mayor Cooper explained that the purpose of this meeting is to review the proposed Comprehensive Plan changes related to the OAO. There will be opportunities for public input prior to consideration by Planning and Zoning and the Commission.

Mr. Stephenson explained that this is considered a new Overlay with new comprehensive plan policies. He discussed the comp plan elements required by the Department of Economic Development and policies the Commission felt should be part of the Overlay. He reviewed the process for the citywide notice and upcoming public input forums.

The Commission and Mr. Stephenson reviewed the proposed ordinance and after discussion, the following provisions were amended or approved by consensus. · First Whereas Paragraph: Remove current verbiage relating to Committee meetings and actions and revise to include OAO public input forums being held March 4 and March 17.

· Goal 1-8 and Objective 1-8.1 o Upon comment by Commission Sullivan and after discussion, consensus was to exclude the two properties Dan Bellows requested to be included in OAO (Subarea B.) o Commission accepted removal of Subarea E and portion of Subarea A. o Commission expressed interest in open space opportunities between Subarea B and Subarea J. Staff will reach out to property owner to discuss. o Vice-Mayor Cooper suggested that the properties in Subarea D fronting on Orange Avenue should be included in Subarea A. Commissioner Weaver agreed and suggested that the Subarea D properties fronting on Palmetto remain in Subarea. After discussion on development options in this area and adjacent to Palmetto, Mr. Stephenson will provide an exhibit for next meeting to show what Palmetto would look like if it was realigned.

· Subarea A. a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 45% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio: 60% (only with residential) c. Maximum Height: 2 Stories for any properties abutting Orange Avenue and Minnesota Avenue, and 3 stories for all other properties within the subarea. d. Maximum Residential Density: 17 units per acre

After discussion on the FAR, consensus was to revisit this item after Mr. Stephenson sends additional language on parking.

· Subarea B. - After discussion, consensus was to establish the following. a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 45% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio: 60% (only with residential) c. Maximum Height: 3 Stories with height limit of 35 feet. d. Maximum Residential Density: 17 units per acre

· Subarea C. – After discussion, consensus was to establish the following a. Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 25% b. Maximum Floor Area Ratio of Parking Structure: 65% exclusively c. Maximum Height: 2 stories Accepted as is with addition of “exclusive” Area d. Maximum Height of Parking Structure: 3 stories/4 levels e. Maximum Residential Density: 0 units per acre

· Subarea D. Discussion was held on the adding an inclusionary affordable/workforce housing allowance for Subareas D, I and J. Consensus was to allow a 10% residential density bonus for affordable housing.

Additional discussion was held on counting the parking garage in FAR. Mr. Stephenson advised that the consultant would be providing visual 3D models at 60, 100 and 125% FAR and suggested that the Commission delay a decision until after reviewing the visuals. Agreed by consensus.

Vice-Mayor Cooper declared a recess at 3:00 p.m. and reconvened the work session at 3:15 p.m.

Discussion began on overall building height and height requirements for 1st floor levels. Mr. Stephenson will provide Commission with information on 1st floor – floor to ceiling measurements.

The following changes to Subarea D were agreed to by consensus: a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 60% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio:100% c. Maximum Height: 5 Stories subject to height limitations outlined in the zoning code. d. Maximum Residential Density: 17 units per acre e. Add affordable/workforce housing density bonus f. 10 % extra parking is not counted inFAR

· Subarea F – Approved as presented. a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 20% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio:20% c. Maximum Height: 2 Stories d. Maximum Residential Density: Residential uses shall not be permitted.

· Subarea G - Approved as presented a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 45% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio:45% c. Maximum Height: 2 stories d. Maximum Residential Density: 17 units per acre

· Subarea H – Accepted as presented a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 0% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio:0% c. Maximum Height: N/A d. Maximum Residential Density: Residential uses shall not be permitted.

· Subarea I. After discussion, consensus was to establish the following: a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 45% b. Base Floor Area with Residential: 60% c. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio:100% d. Maximum Height: 4 Stories not on Fairbanks frontage (will be defined in zoning code) e. Maximum Residential Density: 17 units per acre f. Add 10% density bonus

· Subarea J After discussion, consensus was to establish the following: a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 60% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio:100% c. Maximum Height: 3 Stories (not fronting on Fairbanks, with reasonable set backs on Denning. To be defined in zoning code). d. Maximum Residential Density: 17 units per acre e. 10% density bonus

Vice-Mayor Cooper suggested rear service alleys for emergency vehicles, garbage trucks and dumpsters. (To be addressed during zoning text discussions.)

· Subarea K – Accepted as presented. a. Base Floor Area Ratio: 45% b. Maximum Achievable Floor Area Ratio: 60% (additional square footage only allowed for parking structure) c. Maximum Height: 2 Stories d. Maximum Residential Density: 17 units per acre

· Policy 1-XXX Meaningful Open Space Requirements After discussion, the following change was agreed to by consensus: o Add verbiage relating to the pervious space requirements of policy 4-6.1.3, to clarify that policy that does not supersede policy. Approved by consensus

· Policy 1-XXX: Parallel Orange AvenueAccess o Add verbiage “dedication of equivalent right of way”, add verbiage “city- dedicated.” Approved by consensus.

· Policy 1-XXX: Contribution to Transportation Infrastructure – Staff still drafting language.

· Policy 1-XXX: Appearance Review – Approved as presented.

· Policy 1-8.1.6: Floor Area Ratio for Parking Structures After discussion, the following change was agreed to by consensus: o Change: “ground” to underground” and add language “Parking structures shall count towards the floor area ratio (FAR) for any project/property within the Orange Avenue Overlay District, except for the underground level and top story and the 10% of parking over and above code requirements will not be counted in, can be anywhere in Overlay approved by Commission.”

o Remove: “Parking structures that do not provide the requirements listed in the Land Development Code shall not be exempt from FAR calculations, and therefore must count the parking garage square footage towards their FAR calculations.”

Vice-Mayor Cooper suggested adding the following language: “Any Conditional Use application that exceeds 80,000 square feet of land, 30,000 square feet of building space or 25 residential units, would not be approved until it has two public hearings before the City Commission.” Approved by consensus.

Vice-Mayor Cooper will send language related to standards of circulation and block sizes for staff and the City Attorney to consider as an additional policy for the Overlay.

The next OAO work session will be Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 2:30 p.m.

3) Adjournment

The work session adjourned at 5:29 p.m.

Posted to on March 30, 2021.

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