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City Commission Work Session Minutes - April 15, 2021


Mayor Phil Anderson

Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

City Clerk Rene Cranis

Also Present:

Planning and Transportation Director Bronce Stephenson

Transportation Manager Sarah Walter

1) Call to Order Mayor Anderson called the work session to order at 1:03 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) a. Discussion on OAO Zoning Code Mayor Anderson asked for consensus to update the enhancement menu spreadsheets with 100% and 125% FAR scenarios using 4.4 acres. In addition, he suggested two 100% scenarios, one with surface parking and one with garage parking using the 4.4-acre scenario from GAI. Agreed by consensus. (Amended in April 28th meeting. After reviewing the recording, it was determined that it should read “100% and 125%.”)

Commissioner Weaver asked for an update on finding a “real world” six-point roundabout. Mike Woodward of Kimley-Horn said he was not able to find an existing roundabout with diagonal roadways, but it does not give him pause on the feasibility of the roundabout. He added that he is working with a roundabout specialist on the development. Brief discussion was held on the following: • Converting Orange Avenue into 3 lanes • Traffic calming solutions that do not include a roundabout (i.e. signalized lane reduction) • Land needed to create roundabout • Traffic flow restriction, lane speed and bottlenecks on three and four lane roads • Sidewalk square footage • Overflow traffic into residential neighborhoods

Mayor Anderson said that since there is a general consensus that the roundabout does not have a proven track record with the current geometry, he suggested creating a conceptual design, based on design standards, that could identify the right-of-way required at the six-point intersection. He also suggested a study on maintaining the four lanes at the signalized intersection, while enhancing safety in other parts of the road though a different kind of lane design.

Mr. Woodward stated that typically, conceptual roadway design that shows what the roadway would look like is done separately from an overlay district. He recommended following the more typical concept development that includes public participation on transportation issues if the City wants to move forward with changes to Orange Avenue.

Mayor Anderson asked the Commission if they believe that the current levels of intensities being proposed can be accommodated without obstructing Orange Avenue.

Commissioner DeCiccio stated that the realignment of Palmetto avenue would take some of the traffic off of Orange Avenue and should be considered.

Mayor Anderson suggested looking at a non-roundabout, signalized road option to address the concerns shared by the Commission. He summarized that the Commission needs to understand the flow of Orange Avenue with the signalized intersection with the Orwin Manor improvements in place as well as ensure the “build to” lines are sustainable on a three or four lane road.

Commissioner Sullivan said he would like to see restructuring of Palmetto and Harmon in visuals at 100 and 125 percent FAR. Brief discussion was held regarding the possibility that changing the renderings could eliminate like for like comparisons and the cost of for additional renderings.

Commissioner Weaver expressed concern that the previous renderings from the consultant did not appear to include setbacks or stepbacks and appeared that stories were built straight up with stepbacks and setbacks and were based on the rescinded OAO. Mr. Stephenson stated that the consultants are being updated as changes are being made and that the renderings had been created prior to the decision to include the stepbacks and setbacks.

After discussion, Mayor Anderson agreed with Commission Sullivan’s request that the new renderings include the realignment of Palmetto and Harmon at both 100% and 125% FAR. Mr. Stephenson reviewed the specifications for the new renderings. Discussion followed on FAR.

Commissioner DeCiccio expressed concern regarding the extension of Palmetto and where it will connect near Progress Point.She said she feels there can be no focus on

building the park, bike paths and walkways until the roadway has been resolved.Discussion was held on planning for roadways, bike paths and connectivity.

Commissioner Cooper stated her focus is to get the policies and backstops in the document. She added that if the Commission can define framework of what they are trying to achieve, they can be flexible and moving forward. She expressed the importance of connectivity and incentivizing the enhancement menu.

After discussion, Mayor Anderson asked whether the Commission is ready to move forward with the uncertainty about the grid, but ensuring the policies and structure is in place.Discussion followed regarding the roundabout and on street parking.

Commissioner Sullivan agreed to move forward. Commissioner Weaver stated that he is comfortable moving forward if the traffic network issues are being addressed.

Commissioner DeCiccio agreed with Commissioner Weaver.

Mr. Stephenson stated that staff is developing a transportation master plan that will incorporate city-wide improvements, connectivity, grid systems, solutions for neighborhood cut through traffic, etc. He reviewed the deliverables for LandDesign. Commissioner Cooper asked Mr. Stephenson to send the description of the scope of work for LandDesign to the Commission.

After discussion, Mayor Anderson suggested additional work sessions to discuss the geometry and geography of the OAO and review the zoning code separately. A traffic work session would be scheduled to determine scope for Kimley-Horn. The next Commission work session will be held April 21, 2021.

The work session adjourned at 3:09 p.m.

Posted to on May 31, 2021.

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