City Commission Special Meeting
May 13, 2020
Mayor Steve Leary
Commissioner Marty Sullivan
Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio
Commissioner Carolyn Cooper
Commissioner Todd Weaver
City Manager Randy Knight
City Attorney Kurt Ardaman
City Clerk Rene Cranis
1. Meeting called to order
The meeting was conducted via GoToWebinar.
Mayor Leary called the special meeting of the City Commission to order at 9:40 p.m.
2. Citizen Comments No comments.
3. Action Items Requiring Discussion
a. Library and Event Center
Mayor Leary opened the meeting for Commission comments. Commissioner Weaver expressed concern about potential delays as result of changes. Mayor Leary stated that just prior to this meeting he spoke with the regional president of Brassfield and Gorrie who advised that the items discussed in the work session could be handled in time, and the survey could be done concurrently.
Commissioner Cooper suggested that the commission should first determine changes to the project before developing questions for the survey.
Mayor Leary agreed and said he feels that the questions are on interior aspects.
Commissioner DeCiccio said she will support moving forward, but reluctantly, and provided changes are made within budget.
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to have a 30-day partial pause on construction, issue no new orders except for shell critical items, pause existing orders except for shell critical items, identify O&M costs and methods to minimize, revise the interior Library plan, and conduct a citizen survey; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. (Withdrawn)
Motion made by Mayor Leary to proceed with the project as scheduled, obtain price and design of underdrains, price and design of landscaping on the plinth, price to include solar panels, design and cost for modifications of the interior of the Library; seconded by Commissioner Cooper.
Commissioner Cooper asked Commissioner Sullivan to consider separating his motion due to the number of items included.
Commissioner Sullivan withdrew his motion.
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to have a 30 -day partial pause except for shell construction (plinth, structural steel, cast concrete sides, glass, roofs), issue no new orders except for shell critical items, pause on all existing orders, and do no work on the interior; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to evaluate potential O&M costs and savings and revise the interior plan; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to conduct a citizen survey with Commission input; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.
Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to have independent audit of the process beginning with selection of the architect and include change in square footage of project, decision to exclude a parking garage, process of communication between the team, the Commission and residents including the significance of selecting in Adjaye as the architect, and lessons learned; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.
Mayor Leary asked for the cost implications of motions. Mr. Knight stated the biggest cost is associated with the delay of the receipt of construction materials like drywall, millwork, framing, mechanical, plumbing, etc. There will also be a cost to retain an auditor, which could be a former city manager, and the cost for the architect to redesign the interior and resulting change orders.
Mayor Leary withdrew “design and cost for modifications of the interior” from his motion; accepted by Commissioner Cooper.
Motion made by Mayor Leary to redesign the interior; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. (Withdrawn)
Commissioner Cooper suggested submitting a list of interior design concerns in order to minimize redesign costs without pausing the project. Mayor Leary agreed but there needs to be an understanding of reasons for the current design and withdrew his motion.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to allot $250,000 for a solar system; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.
Mayor Leary stated this is a motion to increase the budget by $250,000 and Commissioner Weaver voted against the final GMP and asked if his motion is consistent with protocol for bringing an item up again. City Attorney Ardaman said he believes it to be consistent but it is the Chair’s decision. Mayor Leary ruled the motion out of order.
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to allot $250,000 for a solar system, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Mayor Leary ruled the motion out of order. Overruled by 4-1.
Discussion ensued on the size, construction and cost of solar panels.
Commissioner Sullivan amended his motion to state “up to” $250,000; accepted by Commissioner DeCiccio.
Mr. Knight asked for the source of funding. After discussion, Mr. Knight stated he will provide funding options.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to eliminate any possibility of a toddler climbing over the bookshelves on the second floor; seconded by Commissioner Cooper.
Carlo Burns, Pizzuti, stated that construction of the shell is critical for the next few weeks, that lead time may be needed for some materials and a short pause might be feasible.
Jim Ellspermann, Brassfield and Gorrie, stated that an initial 30- day break on non-shell items sounds feasible but he would have to talk with subcontractors to determine which portions to move forward. He expressed concern about the scheduling impact due to delaying procurement and although it will be a challenge, they will do their best to mitigate those challenges. Mr. Burns asked for the opportunity to speak with building department to expedite revisions to building permits.
Motion made by Mayor Leary to table until cost implications are known. Motion failed for lack of second.
The following spoke in favor of moving forward citing support of current design, delay costs, funds raised and the public’s need for new Library:
• Brad Doster, 1581 Magnolia Avenue, President of the Board of Trustee of Library,
• Sabrina Bernat, 416 E. New England Avenue, Director of WPPL
• Julie Von Weller, Williams Drive
• David Odahowski, Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation
• Greg Seidel, 1251 Lakeview Drive
Mark Van Valkenburgh, 319 Raintree Court, expressed his appreciation for the Commission’s work.
Michael Perleman, 1010 Greentree Drive, opposed a citizen survey as it is unclear what questions will be asked and how the answers would be used.
Mayor Leary stated he is opposed to any delays and is uncomfortable adding $250,000 to the budget without a designated funding source and suggested that fundraising may be an option. He feels the modifications to interior can be worked on with library staff.
Motion to proceed as currently planned with no modifications and deliver the project on time and on budget. Motion failed for lack of second.
Commissioner Cooper clarified that her interest in a survey was in lieu of terminating the project. She explained that she is not interested in looking at termination or major exterior redesign without surveying the community.
Commissioner Weaver clarified that his issue with the project is that the citizens are not getting what they voted for.
Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend Commissioner Sullivan’s motion to include in the 30-day partial pause on orders include any long- term, long lead time items that would have be ordered. Motion failed for lack of second.
Upon a roll call vote on the motion to conduct an independent audit of the process, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes and Mayor Leary voted no. Motion carried with a 4-1 vote.
Upon a roll call vote on the motion to eliminate any possibility of toddler climbing over the bookshelves on the second floor, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes and Mayor Leary voted no. Motion carried with a 4-1 vote.
Upon a roll call vote on the motion to allocate up to $250,000 for solar panels (without identifying funding source), Commissioners Sullivan, Cooper and Weaver voted yes and Mayor Leary and Commissioner DeCiccio voted no. Motion carried with a 3-2 vote.
Motion to conduct a citizen survey was withdrawn by Commissioner Sullivan.
Mayor Leary clarified his motion to proceed as planned with no delay, to investigate and obtain cost of underdrains, investigate and obtain price of landscaping of the plinth, investigate installation of solar panels, seek modifications to interior of Library through design team and Library staff, and amended the motion to include investigation of the parking garage (accepted by Commissioner Weaver. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Leary and Commissioners DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes and Commissioners Sullivan and Weaver voted no. Motion carried with a 3-2 vote.
Mayor Leary stated that with the passage of the previous motion, no action is needed on the motion for a partial pause on the project as it is contrary to the approved motion. By consensus, the City Manager was directed to complete an O&M report. Discussion ensued on the next steps.
Mr. Burns suggested that the first step in moving forward should be to provide a list of concerns and allow them to respond to concerns. Mayor Leary suggested a work session to review the interior design with Library staff. (Held May 18, 2020)
b. Finalization of Data and Analysis for OAO
Postponed to future meeting.
4. Commission Reports:
No reports
The meeting adjourned at 11:29 p.m.
View the original PDF at the City of Winter Park (
Posted to on June 24, 2020.