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Winter Park City Commission - Meeting Minutes - November 11, 2020


November 11, 2020, at 3:30 p.m.


Mayor Steve Leary

Commissioner Marty Sullivan

Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Carolyn Cooper

City Manager Randy Knight

City Attorney Kurt Ardaman

Administrative Coordinator Stephanie Ecochardt


Commissioner Todd Weaver

Mayor Leary called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Rabbi David Kay,Congregation of Ohev Shalom, provided the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

3) Approval of Agenda Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to approve the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

4) Mayor’s Report Mayor Leary asked that Commissioners remind their appointed board members of proper decorum in meetings.

5) City Manager’s Report · Advised that city staff is preparing for the potential storm. · Gave an update on the purchase of bollards for street closures which will be installed in pilot locations after the holiday season. · Asked for a work session on 5G technology. Approved by consensus. Commissioner Cooper asked that Attorney Ardaman be present. · Reminded the Commission that Civil ServiceBoard appointments will be made in theDecember 9th meeting by the three most senior members of the Commission - Mayor Leary and Commissioners Cooper and Weaver.

6) City Attorney’s Report · Gave an update on the Summer Way lift station which may requireCommission action if a resolution cannot be reached. · Stated that alternatives related to the Kimley Horn study are being researched and will be presented soon. · Reported that the appeal process in the arbor litigation by City of Pensacola is ongoing. · Responded to Commissioner Cooper’s request relating to implementation of an impact fee, mobility fee or a combination thereof, stating that it is possible to implement those before the vote on the OAO. · In response to questions by Commissioner Cooper,Mr. Knight advised that the ordinances that were not codified were sent for codification and he will send a list of those ordinances to the Commission.

8) Citizen Comments | 5 p.m. or soon thereafter (heard after Item 10e)

9) Consent Agenda a. Approve the minutes of the work session, October 21, 2020 b. Approve the minutes of the work session, October 22, 2020 c. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting, October 28, 2020 d. Approve the following Piggyback contracts: 1. Dana Safety Supply, Inc. - Seminole County IFB-603904-20 – Purchase of Lights and Graphics for Fire Department Rolling Stock; $75,000per year. Contract term through September 1, 2023. 2. Cubix, Inc. - Sourcewell 121215-MAC - Flooring Supplies & Services; additional $75,000 for contract term. 3. Tyco Integrated Security, LLC - Sourcewell 031517-TIS - FacilitySecurity Equipment,Systems & Services; additional $70,000 for contract term. 4. Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. - OMNIA Partners R200601 - Equipment and Tool Rental Services; $75,000per year. Contract term through October 31, 2023. 5. Municipal Emergency Services - Lake County 17-0606G - Fire Equipment Parts, Supplies &Service; additional $50,000for contract term. 6. Core & Main, LP - Pinellas County ITB#156-0035-B(LN) - Water &Sewer Materials; additional $270,000 for contract term. 7. Motorola Solutions - State of Florida #43190000-18-NASPO-ACS-1 – Public Safety Communication Equipment, Phase 2: Radios, Consoles, Antennas & Repeaters; not to exceed $178,000.

e. Approve the following purchase: 1. Environmental Products of Florida - Utilizing Sourcewell Contract 122017-FSC - Sewer Vacuum, Hydro-Excavation, and Street SweeperEquipment, with Related Accessories and Supplies; $400,000. Contract term through 2/20/22.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes and Mayor Leary voted no.

Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

10) Action Items Requiring Discussion a. City Manager Annual Evaluation Assistant City ManagerMichelle Neuner advised that the budget allows for an increase up to 3.5% for city employees based on performance.

Motion made by Mayor Leary to approve a 2.5% bonus, seconded by Commissioner Cooper.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to approve a 2.5% salary increase; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. (Withdrawn by Commissioner DeCiccio)

Members of the Commission commended Mr. Knight’s performance and after discussion on a bonus as compared to a salary increase, Commissioner DeCiccio withdrew her motion. There were no public comments.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to approve a 2.5% bonus, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

b. Electric Fuel Rate Holiday Mr. Knight stated this is to consider a fuel rate holiday for December. He provided three options: 1) do nothing; 2) give a fuel rate holiday in December, and 3) provide fuel cost reduction over the course of 2021.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve Option 3, seconded by Mayor Leary. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, MayorLeary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried with a 4-0 vote.

c. Roadway alignment of Bennett Road and Executive Drive in connection with the Ravaudage Development. Sarah Walter, Transportation Manager, gave a presentation on the BennettAvenue realignment, current street conditions and reviewed five alternatives and their impact.

FDOT has reviewed the alternatives and indicated their preference for Alternative 2 to maintain the existing Bennett Avenue creating a “T” intersection to be signalized with pedestrian crossings once warranted, followed by Alternative 4, 5, 1 and 3. She reviewed the city’s responsibility toward the cost of improvements and stated staff concurs with FDOT. Mrs.Walter responded to questions and discussion followed on the alternatives.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve Alternative 5 to align Bennett Avenue with Executive Drive and install a directional median. Motion failed for lack of second.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to approve Alternative 2, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

d. Micromobility Ordinance Discussion Mrs. Walter provided the background on micromobility discussions and feedback from Transportation Advisory Board on the ordinance presented at first reading. She presented two options: 1) have first reading on the ordinance based on TAB input that the ordinance too restrictive and that personal electric bicycles and electric scooters should be allowed within the city, or 2) have second reading on the ordinance approved on first reading. She explained the revised provisions and prohibitions for use of privately-owned devices.

Consensus was to move forward with first reading of the revised ordinance with TAB comments.

e. Department Unfunded Capital Project List Mr. Knight presented a list of capital projects developed by staff for the Commission to consider including in a potential bond referendum in March.

Commissioner DeCiccio reviewed information provided by staff that current debt service will be paid out in the next fiscal year leaving only the debt service for the Library and Event Center and that the annual payment for a new bond would be approximately $600,000 for every$10 million of bonds issued.She spoke in favor of moving forward with some projects including Mead Garden improvements.

Commissioner Sullivan said he feels capital projects should be prioritized.

Commissioner Cooper said she believes that the process should start with a strategic plan. She outlined her priorities that include reuse of existing library, conversion of septic to sewer, expansion of reclaimed water facilities, artificial turf, stormwater drainage improvements, and parks and median enhancements. She said she is in favor of a bond but not without a strategic plan, a resident survey and proper vetting of each project.

Mayor Leary agreed with Commissioner Cooper regarding a citizen survey and old library site.He commented projects for fiber optics and turfing playing fields at MLK.

After discussion, consensus was to schedule a strategic planning session.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to table with no time certain; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan and Cooper voted yes and Mayor Leary and Commissioner DeCiccio voted no. Motion failed with 2-2 vote.

The project list was discussed and revised. Mr. Knight advised the revised total is $10,791,000. Discussion ensued on the need to discuss the list prior to first reading on December 9thin order to have a bond referendum on the March 2021ballot.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to includeCity facility site securitization and access control enhancements, $625,000, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to include Temple Drive stormwater, $1.2 million, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to includeFarmers Market facilities upgrade, $96,000, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to include Winter Park Sports Complex, $870,000, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.(Motion revised below to include the artificial turf)

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to include Fire Department training facility, $500,000, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to includeDenning and Fairbanks turn lane additions, $1 million, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to include Mead Garden improvements, $500,000, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to include former Library reuse,$6 million, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio.

Julie von Weller, Williams Drive, spoke in support for drainage improvements at city playing fields and commended the Parks and Recreation staff for their work.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to increase the Sports Complex to $2.47 million to include artificial turf, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Mayor Leary advised that upon approval of motions, staff will draft an ordinance for a bond referendum which will be considered at two public hearings.

Upon a roll call vote to include City facility site securitization and access control enhancements, $625,000, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to include Temple Drive stormwater, $1.2 million, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to include Farmers Market facilities upgrade, $96,000, Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Mayor Leary and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion failed with a 2-2 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to include Winter Park Sports Complex, $2.47 million, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to include Fire Department training facility, $500,000, MayorLeary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to include Denning and Fairbanks turn lane additions, $1 million, Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes andMayor Leary and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion failed with a 2-2 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to include Mead Garden improvements, $500,000, MayorLeary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to include former Library reuse, $6 million, Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes. Mayor Leary and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion failed with a 2-2 vote.

8) Citizen Comments | 5 p.m. or soon thereafter David Williams, 209 Tyree Lane, expressed his concerns about his neighborhood and the decline in property values due to the lack of division between commercial and residential. He spoke about the ongoing projects that have been approved by the city which he feels are incompatible with the neighborhood.

Lawrence Lyman, 1731 Diana Drive, thanked the commission for moving forward of funding improvements at the playing fields and staff for their efforts.

Mayor Leary declared a recess at 6:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 6:15 p.m.


Kris Stenger, Assistant Director of Planning and Permitting Services, reviewed the resolution adopting the policy for a pilot period of one-year and the results of the survey of vendors.

Attorney Ardaman read the resolution by title.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to approve the resolution, seconded by Commissioner Cooper.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to amend the resolution to remove the one- year pilot program provision, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio.

There were no public comments.

Upon a roll call vote on the amendment removing the pilot program, Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Mayor Leary and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion failed with a 2-2 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the main motion to approve as presented, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Hong Lim, Engineer, gave an overview of the agreement and software system which will monitor traffic conditions and said staff is recommending approval of the resolution. Commissioner Cooper asked for clarification on the Item 12 of the agreement relating to shared operation of CCTV cameras. Mr. Ardaman explained that this agreement allows for the shared use of the cameras by both FDOT and the City.

Motion made by Mayor Leary to the approve the resolution, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio.

In response to questions, Mr. Ardaman said he will work with FDOT to clarify in the agreement that sharing of the cameras will be for transportation purposes only.

Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.


Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title only.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to adopt the ordinance, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend the ordinance to require that active development signs shall be consistent with multi-family and commercial For Sale signs of 12 square feet. Motion failed for lack of second.

There were no public comments.

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to adopt the ordinance as presented, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to adopt the ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend the ordinance to increase the minimum clearance for under canopy signs from 7 to 7 ½ feet, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

There were no public comments.

Upon a roll call vote on the amendment, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the main motion as amended, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Mr. Knight reviewed the provisions of the proposed ordinance for a referendum to create four single member districts. Mayor Leary read the proposed ballot language.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to deny the ordinance, seconded by Mayor Leary.

Commissioner Sullivan commented on the mixed support of single member districts and suggesting continuing this to educate and engage the residents and obtain feed back and then act on the ordinance on December 9th depending on the additional information and feedback received.

The following spoke in favor of the ordinance: · Peter Schreyer, 2436 Tioga Trail · Barbara Chandler, Coalition for Access and Representation (sent a petition signed by approximately 100 residents to the city.) · Maria Bryant, 450 S. Virginia Avenue · Wes Hodge, 2826 Fitzooth Drive · Matthew Nichter, 140 Sandlewood Trail · Lawanda Thompson, 664 W. Lyman Avenue

The following spoke in opposition of the ordinance: · Gigi Papa, 1440 Hibiscus Avenue · Tom McMacken, 1821 Shiloh Lane · Carol Rosenfelt, 1642 Lookout Landing Circle (opposed to placing on 2021 ballot, need more information.) · Charles Harris,1430 Elizabeth Drive · Jeanne Wall, 2110 Lake Drive

Upon a roll call vote on the motion to deny, Mayor Leary and Commissioner Cooper voted yes and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted no. Motion failed with a 2- 2 vote.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to approve the ordinance, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Mayor Leary and Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion failed with a 2-2 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the ordinance, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes and Mayor Leary voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.


Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Jeff Briggs, Planning Manager, reviewed the request to split the lot at 1530 Wilbar Circle. He explained that one variance is needed for the setbacks on the smaller lot due to the lot width.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the lot split and resolution, seconded by Mayor Leary. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Mr. Briggs reviewed this request for annexation of several properties which will be joined with property fronting on Fairbanks Avenue for combined future development.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor

Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

A simultaneous public hearing was held on these requests. Attorney Ardaman read the ordinances by title only.

Mr. Briggs summarized these requests which will allow for development of three properties for an office building at the corner of Fairbanks and Karolina Avenue and reviewed the project renderings. Approval of the conditional use request is recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board with the following conditions: 1. That the project grant to the City an access easement across the parking lot at the entrance/exit traffic aisle so that the adjacent properties may be inter- connected for access to/from Clay Street. 2. That one EV charging station be installed for the parking space adjacent to the handicapped spaces. 3. That the applicant partner with the City to implement a landscape pedestrian safety zone along the Fairbanks Avenue frontage, as deemed feasible. 4. That the applicant provide a pedestrian easement for the sidewalk improvements to be implemented along the Fairbanks Avenue frontage.

Commissioners Sullivan and Cooper disclosed that they met individually with Michael Clary and Chris Tracy.

In response to questions, Mr. Briggs reviewed the landscape plan that will provide a barrier to the surrounding residential area.

Commissioner Cooper asked that the Fairbanks Avenue design standards be placed on an upcoming agenda for adoption. She suggested a fifth condition that the applicant will provide landscaping along the exterior of the six-foot brick wall on Karolina, wall and landscaping to be maintained by the applicant.

Mr. Briggs stated that the applicant is required to complete the project in accordance with the plans presented which address Commissioner Cooper’s suggestion. He said the third condition could be modified adding subject to approval by city staff.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the three ordinances and conditional use with assurance from the applicant that the answers from staff are his position on these items.

Michael Clary, 1377 Richmond Road, representing the applicant, said that they met with each of the commissioners separately, staff and neighbors. He said that they are planting and maintaining landscaping in accordance with the plan which follows the Fairbanks Avenue design standards.

Motion seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.

Christopher Rank, 1880 Karolina Avenue, expressed his concern that this will lead to their property being taken and used for future redevelopment along Fairbanks Avenue and commercial development across from the homes on Karolina.

Zach Stovall, 1877 Karolina Avenue, said although he appreciates the city’s effort to improve the Fairbanks Avenue corridor, he said that this sets a precedent for the rest of Karolina Avenue to allow parking lots across from the residential neighborhood.

Commissioner DeCiccio stated she met with Mr. Clary.

Upon a roll call vote to approve the annexation ordinance, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Upon a roll call vote to approve the comprehensive plan ordinance, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Upon a roll call vote to approve the zoning ordinance, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Upon a roll call vote to approve conditional use request as presented, MayorLeary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the resolution by title.

Bronce Stephenson, Director of Planning and Transportation, reviewed the request for an amendment to the Development Order for Ravaudage to add annexed rights-of-way resulting entitlement changes.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the resolution, seconded by Mayor Leary. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Commissioner Cooper asked that staff provide a timeline for completion of this project.

k. Request of the City of Winter Park for: Ordinance amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article III, “Zoning”, to establish in the Office(O-1) zoning district, a new Conditional Use provision for restaurants, cafes, coffee shops and other food and beverage establishments and to provide criteria for such Conditional Uses. (FirstReading)

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Mr. Stephenson reviewed the code changes that will allow for restaurants and other food and beverage establishments to locate on the ground floor of existing office buildings in the O-1 zoning district via conditional use approval. He presented maps identifying various buildings in the City that could benefit from reuse from empty lobby space to these types of uses.

Motion made by Mayor Leary to approve the ordinance as presented, seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio (revised and restated below)

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend the ordinance to require a full- service commercial kitchen (mimic language for Park Avenue); seconded by Mayor Leary.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend the ordinance require a minimum of 300 feet from low density residential, seconded by Mayor Leary.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend the ordinance to restrict restaurant hours to after primary tenant’s close of business in instances of shared parking.

Motion failed for lack of second.

Commissioner Cooper suggested that property owners within 1,000 square feet of the affected buildings should receive notice of these proposed changes.

Carol Rosenfelt, 1642 Lookout Landing Circle, stated that ordinance should clarify that it is specific to existing construction if it does not apply to new construction. Mr. Stephenson said he has made that change.

Mayor Leary revised the motion to approve the ordinance including clarification that this applies to adaptive reuse only, accepted by Commissioner DeCiccio.

Upon a roll call vote on the amendment requiring a minimum of 300 feet from low density residential property, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the amendment requiring a full-service commercial kitchen replicating the Park Avenue language, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the main motion as amended, Mayor Leary and Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes. Commissioner Cooper voted no. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote.

12) City Commission Reports Commissioner Sullivan · Thanked staff for their efforts in promoting recycling campaign signs. · Asked that staff presentations on agenda items be included in the agenda packet. · Presented graphs showing COVID cases in Orange County and statewide. Complimented staff on their efforts to reduce the public risk during meetings.

Commissioner DeCiccio · Asked for a CRA Agency meeting to discuss solar panels for the Library, playing fields at MLK, and other projects.Consensus was to schedule a meeting in January.

Commissioner Cooper · Asked for information on the UnitedWay 2-1-1 Program. Mr. Knight stated that the application process was difficult but the issue has been resolved and more residents have been using the program. · Commented on the need for strategic planning and asked that annual strategic planning be added to the administrative policy. Consensus was to have staff send the administrative policy for review prior to discussion at commission meeting. · Asked that city clerk to ensure that minutes are posted to the website in a timely manner. · Asked to bring forward the Fairbanks Avenue design standards for approval.

Mayor Leary · Wished all veterans a Happy Veteran’s Day and thanked them for their service. Commissioner Cooper commended staff on the Veteran’s Day video. · Thanked staff for their efforts in the city’s return to in-person meetings.

· Send list of ordinances that have not been codified.

· Schedule work session on 5G.

· Approved bonus for City Manager.

· Approved fuel cost reduction in 2021.

· Approved revised micromobility ordinance to come back for first reading.

· Schedule work session for first week in December to discuss list of approved projects for potential bond referendum.

· Approved resolution adopting municipal single use plastics policy.

· Approved resolution to execute the license agreement with FDOT regarding the sharing of real-time traffic data.

· Approved two ordinances revising sign regulations.

· Denied ordinance regarding single member districts.

· Approved ordinance on FY 2020budget amendments on first reading.

· Approved lot split and historic designation of 1530 Wilbar Circle.

· Approved annexation ordinance on first reading for KentuckyAvenue properties.

· Approved annexation, land use, zoning and conditional use for 1800 Karolina Avenue.

· Approved resolution adopting amendments to the Ravaudage Development Order. Staff to provide information on the completion of the Ravaudage Development Order.

· Approved ordinance, with amendments, allowing for restaurants in O-1 zoning districts via conditional use. Send notices for second reading to residential properties surrounding O-1 properties.

· Include staff presentations in agenda packets.

· Schedule CRA meeting for January.

· Send administrative policy to Commission.

· Post board minutes more expeditiously.

· Bring back Fairbanks Avenue design guidelines.

Mayor Leary adjourned the meeting at 8:59 p.m.

Posted to on January 12, 2021.

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