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Winter Park City Commission - Meeting Minutes - January 12, 2022 - 3:30 p.m.

Updated: Mar 6, 2022


January 12, 2022, at 3:30 p.m.

Present Mayor Phil Anderson; Commissioners Marty Sullivan, Sheila DeCiccio, Carolyn Cooper and Todd Weaver (virtual); City Manager RandyKnight, City Attorney Kurt Ardaman; City Clerk Rene Cranis.

1) Meeting Called to Order Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

2) Invocation Mark Fried, Think Creative, provided the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

3) Approval of Agenda Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the agenda; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

4) Mayor Report Mayor Anderson spoke about the holiday season and events for which the city received amazing comments and thanked city staff for their work on making it a great season.

5) City Manager Report a. Meet Your Department: Information Technology Parsram Rajaram, Director of IT, gave a presentation on the city’s responsibilities and functions that serve staff, residents and customers. He reviewed levels of service and listed major projects/strategic items for 2022. He showed a video on the department and introduced members of the IT team. Mayor Anderson thanked the team for spearheading smart city efforts.

b. COVID Update Mr. Knight reported on the ongoing testing program for unvaccinated employees, the new voluntary testing for all employees, and on employees currently out with COVID or due to exposure. Staff has been working with Orange County to remain consistent with procedures. Board meetings continue to be held in compliance the commission’s direction for quasi and non-quasi-judicial boards.

He gave an update on sewer testing and said the city would likely test the site at Howell Branch Road since is the largest lift station and covers a good portion of the city. He noted that the western portion of the city’s service area is part of Altamonte Springs’ weekly reporting. If the intent is to begin testing at the Howell Branch Road site, a baseline would have to be established and then determine what to do with the information, which may not vary significantly from other regional data, other than to provide it to local hospitals. He asked for direction from Commission on whether to proceed with testing.

David Zusi, Director of Water and Waste Water Utilities, provided additional details on testing costs ($575/test) and analysis, which may be an additional cost, and responded to questions on testing and results of city and regional testing.

Commissioner Sullivan supported testing at the Howell Branch at the proposed cost.

Mayor Anderson said he feels the issue is not the cost but what to do with the results and his biggest concern about is how to measure the results to produce meaningful data.

Commissioner Cooper said the questions are what to do with information, what is the criteria for action and what is action and expressed concern that it may cause unnecessary stress to the community if there is no solution. She suggested testing to determine a baseline and level of variance between the city, Altamonte Springs and Orange County results and if there is an extreme variance, the city could act, if necessary.

Commissioner DeCiccio expressed her primary concern about what to do with data when it is received.

Commissioner Weaver said he has the same concerns and it is good to have the information and communicate to residents, but the city is limited in what action they can take. He questioned the value of providing information to residents at this time.

Commissioner Sullivan opposed delaying testing due to increasing number of cases.

Mayor Anderson asked for a vote (by voice and show of hands) on whether to have to staff obtain information from Altamonte Springs on their data and use and provide to the commission prior to the next meeting before implementing testing. Commissioners DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes.

Mayor Anderson asked for a vote (by voice and show of hands) on whether to begin testing immediately. Commissioners Weaver and Sullivan voted yes. Commissioners DeCiccio and Cooper and Mayor Anderson voted no.

c. Selkirk Update Mr. Knight gave update the Selkirk property with purchase/closing anticipated by the end of the month. He reported on procedural changes and responsibilities in plan review and the formation of a team to review the code to help to protect the neighborhood character with planned public meetings in the next 3-4 months.

Mayor Anderson suggested a discussion to express commission and resident concerns and discussion followed on the need for further discussion or work session with Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio supporting a discussion or work session after staff and Planning and Zoning Board has reviewed and presented recommendations. Commissioner Cooper expressed interest in the Planning and Zoning Board hosting a community forum and look at past zoning and variance actions to see the result of their actions in order to respond to resident concerns.

Mayor Anderson said he would like to see the scope of assignment from Planning and Zoning. Mr. Knight stated that the overall high-level plan was e-mailed to the commission prior to this meeting and suggested that the commission e-mail specific concerns to staff. Mayor Anderson asked for an update in the next meeting.

Responding to questions by Commissioner Weaver, Mr. Knight explained the previous procedures for zoning decisions and advised that the planning department is now responsible for application of zoning codes and the building department is responsible for application of building codes.

Mr. Knight advised that after the closing takes place, the Selkirk property will be marketed for sale.

e. Grant Writer Update Mr. Knight presented options for retaining a grant writer and recommended continuing to work with the city’s state lobbyist on whether to retain an in-house or contracted person for general grants and to pursue an arrangement with Winter Park Land Trust to share a grant writer for parks grants on an as-needed basis. He clarified that the general grant writer would focus on infrastructure projects and would also be responsible for compliance and reporting.

After discussion on grants and grant timelines, consensus was to approve as recommended.

d. City Manager's Report • Mobility Fee – meeting with builders is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. • MLK Park and remembrances – Design and memorial will be implemented by MLK Day in 2023. This will be on an upcoming CRA Agency meeting for discussion. • Designated pick-up for restaurants on Park Avenue– Mayor Anderson asked if it needs to be revisited or if it is time to eliminate this program on Park Avenue

Peter Moore, Division Director of OMB, advised that 50% of business like them and 50% don’t and said that staff could reach out to business to get feedback or the city could place traffic pucks to obtain traffic counts but would take a couple of months. Mr. Knight clarified that restaurant owners like the program, but merchants do not. Staff will work with the Chamber and Park Avenue Merchants Association on gathering input.

Commissioner Weaver asked if the program at other locations would be reviewed as well. Mayor Anderson said he received comments primarily about Park Avenue but staff could look at all locations. Mr. Knight noted that staff would have to repaint the parking spaces and curbs if the program was ended.

6) City Attorney Report • Reported on the challenge of the OAO ordinance and explained that the petition claims that the amendment is not in compliance with the Comp Plan and prevents the OAO from going into effect. He opined that the City has a favorable standard and this should be resolved within 150 days per State Statue. • Spoke about the deed restriction for the West Meadow and said a portion of the park needs to be searched in order to provide the title company with a legal description of the area to be restricted. Commissioner Cooper asked for a document that shows all property. Mr. Ardaman said this information should be available for the first meeting in February.

7) Non-Action Items

8) Public Comments| 5 p.m. or soon thereafter (heard after Item 9)

9) Consent Agenda a. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting, December 8, 2021, 9:30 a.m. b. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting, December 8, 2021, 2:30 p.m. c. Approve the minutes of the work session, December 9, 2021 (Removed by Commissioner DeCiccio) d. Approve the following piggyback contracts: 1. Verizon Wireless - State of Florida Contract # DMS-19/20-006C - Mobile Communications Services for services on an as-needed basis during the remainder of the term of the Agreement, contract term through August 24, 2026; Amount: $230,000 per annual year for the duration of the agreement. 2. Cubix, Inc. - Orlando Utilities Commission Contract #5050-OQ - Floor Covering/Carpet Cleaning for services on an as-needed basis during the remainder of the term of the Agreement, contract term through December 14, 2024; Amount: $120,000 3. Iteris Inc. - Broward County Contract #OPN2119234Q1 - Video Vehicle Detection Equipment & Repairs for services on an as-needed basis during the term of the Agreement; Amount: $150,000 4. Core and Main, LP - City of St. Petersburg Blanket Purchase Agreement- Water & Wastewater Supplies for goods on an as needed basis for the remainder of the term of the Agreement; Amount $500,000 5. Duval Ford - Florida Sheriffs Association Contract #FSA20-VEL28.0 - Pursuit, Administrative, and Other Vehicles for goods on an as needed basis during the term of the Agreement; Amount $400,000

e. Approve the following contracts: 1. Audio Visual Innovations, Inc. - RFP18-19 - Design, Install, Configure & Maintain A/V Systems for services on an as needed basis during the term of the Agreement; Amount: $250,000 2. Infinity Corporation of Central Florida - RFP18-19 - Design, Install, Configure & Maintain A/V Systems for services on an as needed basis for the during the term of the Agreement; Amount: $250,000 3. Matheson Tri-Gas Inc. - IFB16-21 - Purchase and Delivery of Liquid Oxygen for goods on an as needed basis during the term of the Agreement; Amount:$175,000 4. Paramount Power, Inc. - IFB3-20 - Auxiliary Generator Maintenance for services on an as needed basis during the term of the Agreement; Amount: $100,000 5. CJ's Sales and Service of Ocala, Inc. - IFB3-20 - Auxiliary Generator Maintenance for services on an as needed basis during the term of the Agreement; Amount: $100,000 6. Hylant - RFP5-16- Employee BenefitAgent of Record for services on an as needed basis during the term of the Agreement; Amount: $80,000 7. Howard Industries, Inc. - IFB8-20- Single Phase Transformers for goods on an as needed basis for the remainder of the current term of the Agreement; Amount: $750,000

f. Approval of ARPA Funding Allocation - Neighborhood Traffic Calming

Commissioner DeCiccio asked to remove Item c. Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the Consent Agenda except Item c, seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Item 9b: Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to add in her comments on Page 1, 4th paragraph, to state “What is causing the problem is the EventCenter, not the Library. The Library, standing on its own, has enough parking. It is when the event center was added and there are events that there is not enough parking.” Motion was not seconded. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

10) Action Items Requiring Discussion a. March 8th General Election and April 12th Run-off Election, if necessary Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to appoint Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio and Mayor Anderson to the Canvassing Board; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.

Commissioner DeCiccio stated she is unavailable as she will be out of state. Commissioner Cooper recommended that the City Clerk be appointed to fill the third position. Attorney Ardaman recommended appointment the Deputy City Clerk as the alternate.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the polling places, approve the canvassing criteria and allow Orange County Supervisor of elections to open and run Vote by Mail ballots as recommended; and to appoint Mayor Anderson, Commissioner Sullivan and the City Clerk to the Canvassing Board and appoint the Deputy City Clerk as alternate; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

b. Undergrounding residential service lines (Addressed after Public Comments)

c. Schedule of Work Sessions General consensus was to maintain regular work session schedule for the Thursday following the regular meetings.

Members of the commission presented and discussed additional work session topics zoning text amendments (third quarter), RFP on Library Re-use on February 10th; one- cent transportation tax, and commission priorities

Mr. Knight said the transportation project list can be on a regular commission agenda. Mayor Anderson asked for the list prior to release of the agenda packet for the next meeting.

Other topics presented and discussed were sustainability action plan (postpone until department is fully staffed), joint work session with EDAB (February 8th, 8:15 a.m.) and priorities (March 10th).

8) Public Comments| 5 p.m. or soon thereafter Paul Mandelkern, 653 Selkirk Drive, asked for the timeline on the sale of the Selkirk Drive property. Mr. Knight explained that after closing on the purchase, the city will establish a deadline on receiving purchase offer for 3-4 weeks and bring it back to commission for approval. Mr. Mandelkern asked if city will protect the home. Mr. Knight explained the proposed steps to protect the house. Mayor Anderson noted the commission’s prior consensus to secure and protect the city’s investment.

Aubrey Reed, 731 DePugh Street, opposed the potential relocation of the post office in the area of Swoope and Capen because she feels it is too close to and will adversely impact the neighborhood.

Anjali Vaya, 521 N. Capen, speaking about the relocation of the post office, said the residents want to protect maintain the charm, history and heritage of their neighborhood and urged the commission consider residents’ concerns.

Mike Danagher, 1945 Oakhurst Avenue, addressed the project on the WP Christian Church property on Lakemont Avenue and asked for a traffic study on Lakemont Avenue. Mayor Anderson noted that public comment on that project will be taken when that item is addressed under Public Hearings.

10) Action Items Requiring Discussion (continued) b. Undergrounding residential service lines Dan D'Alessandro, Director of Electric Utility gave a presentation on the current process and incentives for undergrounding electric service to homes when undergrounding of power lines is done in their area and problems encountered when homeowners elect not to underground their service. He reviewed the proposal and benefits to complete service to homes with no direct charge to the customer while the project in their area is in process, or at a cost of $3k when done before or after area undergrounding. He explained the new conversion method for customers in lieu of customer paying an electrician to change meters.

Wes Hamil, Finance Director, reviewed the costs of proposal with refunds to customers who already paid for undergrounding their service. The proposal includes a rate increase through 2026 with an average monthly increase of approximately $14/month which is offset by reversing the January 1 rate decrease back to the slightly higher October 1 rates due to fluctuating fuel costs.

Michael Poole, Chairman of UAB, spoke on the need for undergrounding residential services and said that the UAB has reviewed this in detail and unanimously recommended approval of the proposal.

Staff responded to questions regarding the improved undergrounding project efficiency and schedule, difficulties that may require relocating a customer's meter and the rate increase.

Commissioner Sullivan supported proposal but expressed concern about the impact of the monthly increase on some customers. Mr. Poole noted that there are designated funds to help those with economic hardship.

Commissioner DeCiccio asked whether portions of the project would be eligible for reimbursement under the infrastructure bill. Mr. Knight stated staff will apply for reimbursement. Commissioner DeCiccio noted the benefit of improved aesthetics and service.

Commissioner Cooper opposed increasing rates and spoke in favor of investing $1.1M of ARPA funding $1.1M and financing the service costs so there is a nominal increase to the customer receiving the benefit. Discussion followed on the basis for increasing rates.

Staff responded to questions on service and resources during clean-up/repair after a storm, mandates for undergrounding service on new or remodeled houses, and aesthetics of meters and conduits.

Commissioner Weaver opposed raising residential rates unless it is refunded to those customers who have already undergrounded their service, but supported undergrounding everything to lessen impact on city resources after weather events.

Mayor Anderson said the goal, as he sees it, is for 100% resiliency by getting 100% participation which increases efficiency and project completion, but issue is financing. He commended the team and UAB on their efforts and providing a balanced and workable proposal. Further discussion was held on the proposal and impact of options and funding sources to advance the program.

Mike Danagher, 1945 Oakhurst Avenue, spoke about his experience and impact of power outages with overhead service.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to approve the proposal as presented including the rate increase; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Commissioners Cooper and Weaver voted no. Motion carried with a 3-2 vote.

Mayor Anderson declared a recess at 6:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 6:15 p.m.

11) Public Hearings a. Requests of Winter Park Christian Church and of Creative NeighborsLLC. 1. Winter Park Christian Church: Conditional Use approval to build a new replacement church facility on the 1.25 acres of the Lakemont frontage at 740/760N. Lakemont Avenue, zoned R-1A; 2. Creative Neighbors LLC: a) Ordinance amending Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element text and Future Land Use Map; from Institutional to Single Family Residential on the rear 5.25 acres. (First Reading) b) Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to change from single-family (R- 1A) zoning to Planned Unit Residential District (PURD) zoning. (First Reading) c) Approval of Preliminary Concept Plan and Comprehensive Development Plan of the Planned Unit Residential District zoning and to provide subdivision plat approval to divide the east/rear 5.25 acres of 740/760 N. Lakemont Avenue to provide for 13 single-family home lots and 12 townhouses lots, common area park and retention tracts.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinances by title.

Jeff Biggs, Principal Planner, stated that these requests from two applicants involve the property of WP Christian Church. The Church’s request is for conditional use to build a new, smaller church at the front of the property. Creative Neighbors is seeking to develop single-family residential and townhomes on the rear 5.25 acres of the property. He reviewed the location and properties included. In order to finance the new building, the Church partnered with Creative Neighbors to sell and develop the rear of the property for residential use.

Mr. Briggs displayed and reviewed the site plan for the relocated church with paved and grass parking, common with churches where there is light or infrequent use and is allowed under the code. The interior grass area for parking also saves several mature trees. He showed the designated retention areas and dry pond and indicated mature trees along the north property line which will remain as a buffer to the neighbors. The church meets zoning requirements and received a positive recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Board.

The primary focus of these requests is that of Creative Neighbors. He showed a site plan of the proposed development and noted that the applicant has provided a traffic study and while there may be concerns about this development, traffic is not a concern. A larger concern may be how it fits into the code, lot sizes and variances. The applicant is requesting PURD zoning which allows a variety of housing types and aggregated individual lot greenspace to create meaningful open space with a small park and walking trail around this site which, when combined, meets open space requirements. Part of this request is to change the future land use from institutional to single-family residential which matches the surrounding neighborhood and allows no more than 43% FAR and 5 units per acre. Although the development meets the required 5 units per acre, the residential development FAR is 47.2%. It was determined that a comp plan text amendment would be needed to permit the increased FAR but in lieu of the text amendment, the Church has agreed to give up their unused FAR in order meet the maximum FAR of 43% for the total overall site.

He explained that PURD zoning is a two-step process with the first phase being approval of the PURD zoning based on a preliminary concept plan. The second phase is approval of the comprehensive development plan with details on individual lots (setbacks, square footage, height, impervious coverage, etc.). The Planning and Zoning Board’s recommendation did not include the second phase or development agreement at this time but would be part of second reading of the ordinances. The applicant has requested a variance to reduce the road width from 50 to 45 feet reducing the grass strip between the sidewalk and street to 2-3 feet which will result in houses appearing to be closer to the street. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval.

Mr. Briggs responded to questions clarifying components of the requests and plan, setbacks between church and single-family neighborhood and application of city codes. Sarah Walter, Transportation Manager, responded to questions regarding church parking and its proximity to Lakemont Avenue. Mr. Briggs provided additional information on the requirements for surface of parking areas.

Commissioner Cooper asked for the authority for transferring density. Mr. Ardaman stated that there is no provision in the comp plan that allows the transfer of FAR, density or other criteria. With two different land use designations on this overall site, institutional and residential, he opined that it is not a good practice to allow a transfer in this instance.

Commissioner Cooper said she is not opposed to a PURD but clarity is needed on the overall rules that gives predictable guidance to the developer including maximum FAR, minimum pervious space and acceptability of FAR transfer.

Mayor Anderson said he feels the orientation is generally okay; the plan just needs to follow rules yet to be established. Mr. Briggs stated that except for the maximum units per acre and FAR rules, the only other rules are those that set and agreed to by the commission.

Commissioner Sullivan supported splitting the zoning and PURD designation but opposed transfer of FAR from the church to residential development. He stressed the importance of providing guidance to the developer and said he feels lot sizes should be comparable to surrounding residential areas and that townhomes are out of character with neighborhood. He asked that the city complete a tree survey and whether stormwater treatment is sufficient given the elevation of the road and site.

Mr. Briggs said that city staff has visited the property and has completed a tree survey. Discussion followed on the tree canopy and preservation.

Commissioner DeCiccio asked about FAR options. Mr. Briggs said there are two options: amend the Comp Plan to establish a policy that allows the requested 47.2% FAR or the commission could move forward with a maximum 43% FAR.

Commissioner Weaver disclosed that he met twice with the developer. He expressed his concern about the location of the church and the retention area relative to the trees and suggested increased setbacks on the north side and relocating the retention area to the location of the proposed townhomes. He opposed transfer of residential density and feels the density is too high. He suggested that the developer remove three lots to increase the size of the remaining lots to be compatible with the surrounding area.

Mayor Anderson said he feels the issue is whether to take a wholistic approach for the entire site or living within the Comp Plan on two separate parcels. He asked what happens to the parcel if the church disbands or relocates. Mr. Briggs said the zoning is R-1A and if the institutional use ends, the zoning would automatically change to residential zoning and single-family land use.

Kip Marchman, moderator of WP Christian Church, said he would love for the church remain on the property and it would be a meaningful addition to Winter Park.

Michael Halpin, applicant, reviewed the history and uniqueness of the church and location. He advised that he has met with the city arborist at the site regarding tree preservation. He reviewed the plans to build a smaller church at the front of the property and showed renderings of the residential components. He cited the basis for PURD zoning from the code. He said that they have met with neighbors and changed the plans based on their comments. He asked for approval and direction with some flexibility on what is preferred to allow time to revise plans in a timely manner and avoid delays and re-application. He responded to questions regarding townhome design and unit size, lot size and maintenance, and economics noting townhomes will sell between $700k and $900k depending on features and fixtures.

Commissioner Cooper asked the developer if approval was not granted, if he would prefer to have the opportunity to do some revisions before formal approval.

Mayor Anderson asked if the developer if they would be agreeable to table to a date certain to have the opportunity to come back without going through the entire process again. Mr. Halpin agreed.

Attorney Ardaman stated that Commission could continue the hearing to a date certain to give the applicant the opportunity to address commission and public comments.

Mayor Anderson suggested that the Commission establish parameters and then consider tabling. Mr. Halpin asked for the opportunity to ask questions for clarity.

Mayor Anderson declared a recess at 8:10 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:22 p.m.

Mike Danagher, 1945 Oakhurst Avenue, expressed his concern about traffic impact and safety issues. He said although there are lot of positives, a more in-depth traffic study is needed, particularly due to left-hand turns onto Lakemont.

Pat Padula, 1950 Oakhurst Avenue, spoke about the difficulties making left turns onto Lakemont and asked that the city consider a traffic light which would slow traffic and provide a gap to make left turns onto Lakemont. She expressed concern about allowing townhouses in area of single-family homes and setting a precedent.

Meredith Murphy, 1750 Windsor Drive, spoke about traffic issues on Lakemont before and after school at Lakemont Elementary and traffic speed. She said she feels townhomes are fine but expressed concern about the developer's list of items that he doesn't intend to count toward FAR and feels they should comply with rules.

Cynthia Edmonds,1721 Windsor Drive, opposed the concept plan as it doesn't comply with FAR and density is not consistent with adjacent neighborhoods and expressed concern about the pervious/impervious ratio.

Beth Hall, 516 Sylvan Drive, supported saving the church and feels the PURD could be an asset due to the uniqueness of the location but the key is in following the comp plan and codes which do not allow transfer of development rights. She urged the commission not to create a policy specific to this development.

Mayor Anderson suggested identifying areas of consensus on several criteria to determine whether to move forward or table. In response to questions, the following items were clarified and discussed. • There are no articulated design guidelines in the PURD zoning which allows flexibility in design unlike single-family zoning. • The project must meet city and St. Johns River Water Management District requirements for stormwater, which they have done with the retention and exfiltration areas onsite. • The traffic impact is based on units per acre and there would be no difference if there were townhomes or single-family homes. For this development, the impact is 140 trips twice daily. • The calculation of FAR does not change. The numbers used may change, but not how it is calculated. • Townhouses are permitted in R-2 or PURD zoning. What is being done within the context of the PURD is not setting a precedent, especially keeping 5 units per acre and the single-family future land use. • The private alley is part of the lot and private property and therefore, the alley is included in the FAR calculation • A signal warrant would be needed for the Lakemont corridor to determine whether a light is justified. Commissioner DeCiccio said this should be done regardless of this development.

Commissioner Cooper suggested acting on the Church’s conditional use request and the change of land use designation and postpone the things related to the PURD.

Discussion was held on parameters, particularly calculation of FAR and allowable FAR and setbacks. The applicant clarified the buffer and setbacks abutting the abutting residential neighborhoods.

Commissioner Cooper opposed the percentage of parking on the grass for the church and said parking should be on hard surface. Mr. Halpin addressed the preservation of trees and the city arborist has determined that the tree roots would not be impacted.

Discussion returned to options for addressing each of these requests. Mr. Ardaman said if the intent is to continue any or all of these matters, it should be continued to a specific date so the public is aware.

Mayor Anderson summarized the discussion and consensus on the parameters: • 50% minimum pervious surfaces should apply. • 43% FAR with conditions • Perimeter setbacks should match the single-family side and rear setback standards that would normally be the conditions of going from 38% to 43% FAR. • Townhomes are acceptable.

Other items discussed without consensus were the number of units, grass versus hard surface parking and the setback on northern edge of church site.

Commissioner Cooper disclosed that she met with the developer and residents. Mayor Anderson disclosed he spoke with the developer. Commissioner Sullivan disclosed he spoke with the Mr. Halpin and Commissioner DiCicco disclosed that she spoke with Mr. Halpin.

Motion made by Mayor Anderson to continue all items to February 23, 2022 at 3:30 p.m; seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Upon a roll call vote Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Troy Attaway, Director of Public Works, reviewed the revisions to code, application of code and impact. This was approved by the Lakes and Waterways Advisory Board and accepted by the Lake Killarney Advisory Board.

Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approve the Ordinance on first reading; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to adopt the ordinance on second reading; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title

Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to adopt the ordinance on second reading; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

12) City Commission Reports Commissioner Sullivan - • Stressed the importance of educating residents on the charter amendments on March 8th ballot. Mr. Knight advised that a mailer will be in utility bills and an article will be in the City Update that is released the first part of March. The ballot questions are also on the city website. He noted that the city can only put out factual information without pros and cons. • Spoke about issues about police stopping bicycles without lights and suggested efforts to encourage safe bicycling including passing out lights to cyclists. • Received an e-mail supporting the repeal of the anti-street performer ordinance as it would add to the charm and suggesting considering its repeal.

Commissioner DeCiccio - • Asked for consensus to use ARPA funds for pavilion and restrooms at the West Meadow which will increase the use of West Meadow. Mayor Anderson supported reviewing a concept. After discussion on the concept and design, consensus was to utilize the urban design for a preliminary design of a pavilion and restrooms. • Spoke about e-mails she has received about maintenance issues. Mr. Knight said staff is considering forming strike teams to look at properties. Discussion followed on maintenance issues, particularly at the dog park.

Commissioner Cooper-

• Expressed her pleasure in serving with the commission.

Mayor Anderson -

• Addressed the impact of development of property in the Fairbanks Avenue corridor if it is developed outside the city’s jurisdiction and mobility fees. It appears that Orlando will not be able to get to their full mobility fee until late summer or early fall. He said he like to discuss of delaying implementation of fee to coincide with Orlando's implementation, which is now at 50% of the full planned fee, in order to remain competitive. He feels the fees are a disincentive to annex and develop in the city. After discussion, consensus was for staff to obtain information on all fees applied to permit applications to determine whether to schedule a work session. (Commissioner Weaver opposed a work session.)

13) Summary of Meeting Actions

Mayor Anderson adjourned the meeting at 10:28pm.

Posted to on March 1, 2022.

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