April 28, 2021, at 3:30 p.m.
Mayor Phil Anderson
Commissioner Marty Sullivan
Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio
Commissioner Carolyn Cooper
Commissioner Todd Weaver
City Manager Randy Knight
City Attorney Kurt Ardaman
Deputy City Clerk Kim Breland
1) Meeting Called to Order Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
2) Invocation The invocation was offered by Pastor Rachel DeLaune, First UnitedMethodist Church of Winter Park, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
3) Approval of Agenda Motion made by Mayor Anderson to move Item 7c ahead of Items 7 a and b; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with 5-0 vote.
4) Mayor’s Report • Met with Library Board to discuss future of old library and stated that the city continues to support the Library and that the Library is still accepting donations. • Gave an update on the work sessions on Commission priorities and the OAO.
7) Non-Action Items c. Economic Recovery Task Force Final Report Drew Madsen, Economic Development Advisory Board member, and Betsy Gardener Eckbert, President of Chamber of Commerce, were present to give the final report of the Economic Recovery Task Force. Mr. Madsen reported on its purpose, strategies, achievements and associated costs, current economic conditions, activities and changes moving forward.He recommended next steps which include transition of work to the EDAB, discussions with stakeholders, and developing a framework for economic development. He reviewed a proposal from IDEAS to conduct an economic study.
Mr. Madsen and Ms. Eckbert responded to the comments and questions. Mrs. Eckbert spoke about surveys conducted and reviewed the results of the survey of the Curbside To-Go Program with support to continue the program at least for another month and longer. Additional comments were heard with appreciation expressed for the Chamber, Mr. Madsen and Assistant City Manager Michelle Neuner who served on the Task Force.
a. Board Appointments - Mayor Anderson • Board of Adjustments: MichaelClary (reappointed), Cathy Sawruk, Jason Johnson • Code Compliance Board: Paul Mandelkern (reappointed), John Schmaltz, Wayne Johnson • Community Redevelopment Advisory Board: Anjali Vaya, Maria Bryant • Economic Development Advisory Board: Bill Segal and Betsy Gardener Eckbert (reappointed), Ginny Enstad • Historic Preservation Board: John Skofield (reappointed), Drew Henner • KWPB and Sustainable Advisory Board: Ben Ellis (reappointed), Lynne Bachrach, Kay Hudson • Lakes and WaterwaysAdvisory Board: Ed Webman, Chase Heavener, Warren Bloom • Parks and Recreation AdvisoryBoard: Krystal Dawkins, Shannon Sarkarati, John Griffin • Planning and Zoning Board: Vashon Sarkisian, Alex Stringfellow, MelissaVickers Thomas • Public Art AdvisoryBoard: Danny Humphress (reappointed) • Transportation AdvisoryBoard: Jeffrey Sievers (reappointed), Michael Sasse, Mira Lines • Tree Preservation Board: Kim Ashby, Christina Schloot, Steve Carras • Utilities Advisory Board: Leon Huffman, Linda Lindsey, Fred Guitton
b. Board Appointment - Mr. MichaelDick to the Economic Development Advisory Board (Commissioner Cooper Commissioner Cooper appointed MelanieLove to replaceMargie Bridges on the TreePreservation Board and Michael Dick to replace James Petrakis on the Economic Development AdvisoryBoard. (Terms expire 2022) Commissioner DeCiccio stated that with the appointment of Maria Bryant to the CRA AdvisoryBoard, she will be appointing her replacement on the Code Compliance Board.
d. Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended September 30, 2020
Finance Director Wes Hamil presented the CAFR for FY 2020 highlighting revenues, expenditures, general fund reserves and COVID impacts. Joel Knopp, MSL, city auditor, gave an overview of audit standards, process and results with a compliant report and commended staff on its work toward this clean audit. He and city staff responded to questions. Members of the Commission also commended city staff on their work.
8) Citizen Comments| 5 p.m. or soon thereafter Michael Perleman, 1010 Greentree Drive, said he feels the March minutes of the Utilities Advisory Board lack transparency and provide no detail on the discussions. Mr. Knight stated that it has been a policy that the Commission and city board minutes record the actions taken at meetings, not to report the complete discussion(s) in the meeting.
Mayor Anderson declared a recess at 5:21 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 5:31 p.m.
The agenda was revised moving Item 10c to discuss prior to convening the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting (if needed).
9) Consent Agenda (addressed after Item 10a)
10) Action Items Requiring Discussion c. Potential PurchaseAgreement for 929 to 957 W. Fairbanks Ave. Mr. Knight summarized previous discussions and explained the terms of the purchase agreement and stated that if approved, funding would have to be determined. If CRA funds are proposed, this meeting will adjourn to convene the CRA Agency meeting to approve the use of CRA funds for this purchase.
Attorney Ardaman advised that lease information should not be discussed in detail since that information is confidential.
Mr. Knight and city staff responded to questions and in-depth discussion ensued on property needed and intersection design and improvements at this and other intersections, particularly Orange/Fairbanks and Orange/17-92, FDOT requirements and design alternatives.
Jackie Oswalt said she is willing to work with the city and retain her business. She questioned the CRA language from 20 years ago regarding the purchase of these properties and feels it needs to be rewritten to reflect the current climate.
Kira Calvaresi, 1415 Sherbourne, Winter Garden, encouraged the Commission to review and consider revising the CRA language to address present traffic issues.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to proceed with the purchase; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.
Darryl Hoffman, JLL Brokerage, explained their processes and sales data used to determine land value and discussion followed.
Commissioner Weaver clarified his motion to include funding of $1 million from the Parks Acquisition Fund and $2 million from the CRA and subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. Accepted by Commissioner Sullivan.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to table this matter until review of what may be needed to establish the right of way for safety purpose to widen the lanes to 12 feet and a turn lane purpose; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. (Amended in 5/12 meeting changing “12 feet” to “11 feet.”)
Upon a roll call vote on the motion to table, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners DeCiccio and Cooper voted yes. Commissioners Sullivan and Weaver voted no. Motion carried with a 3-2 vote.
With the tabling of this matter, the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting was cancelled.
9) Consent Agenda
a. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting,April 14, 2021 (removed by Mayor Anderson
b. Approval of the minutes of the Work Session, April14, 2021
c. Approval of the minutes of the Work Session, April 15, 2021 (removed by Mayor Anderson)
d. Approval of the following Piggyback contracts:
1. Audio Visual Innovations, Inc. - State of Florida 52161500-ACS-16-1 - Audio Visual Equipment and Accessories - Crestron; $75,000. Term through April 14, 2023.
2. Aquatic Weed Control,Inc. - Orange County Y18-178- Aquatic Restoration & Management Services; Additional $75,000.
e. Approval of the following contracts:
1. Gary Munson Heating & AC Services, Inc. - IFB-19-2019 -HVAC Installation, Repair & Replacement; Amount $90,000;
2. Ceres Environmental Services, Inc. - RFP5-18- Emergency Debris Management Services; Amount $200,000;
3. Tetra Tech, Inc. - RFP4-18 - EmergencyDebris Monitoring Services;Amount
4. Trane Company - FY17-28 - Extended Warranty Services; Additional $73,000 for term;
5. Trane Company - FY17-46 - Chiller/HVAC Maintenance; Additional $74,000 for term.
f. Approve the following contract:
1. Duke Energy Florida LLC - Modification to the Territorial Agreement Amendment (removed by Commissioner Cooper)
Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve ConsentAgenda Items b, d and e; seconded by Mayor Anderson.Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Item 9a: Motion made by Mayor Anderson to amend his comments under Commissioner Weaver’s report to read “…to install non-exclusive communication conduit for broadband.”; seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Item 9c:Motion made by MayorAnderson to change in the first paragraph underItem 2a 125% to 150%; seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote)
Item 9f: Responding to questions by Commissioner Cooper, Mr. Knight explained the changes to the territorial agreement.
Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approveItem 9f; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
10) Action Items Requiring Discussion (continued) a. Appointments to Winter Park Firefighters' and Winter Park Police Officers' Pension Board
Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to appoint Tony Grey to the WinterPark Police Officers’ Pension Board (term expires 2023); seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to reappoint Wayne Kalish to the WinterParkFirefighters’ Pension Board (term expires 2023); seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
b. Appoint alternate member to MetroPlanOrlando.
Motion made by Commissioner to appoint Commissioner Weaver as alternate on the MunicipalAdvisory Committee; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Cooper suggested that Commissioner Sullivan begin attending FLC committee meetings in preparation to take her place on those committees when her tenure on the commission ends in 2022.Approved by consensus.
11) Public Hearings a. Ordinance amendingArticle III, Chapter2 of the City of Winter Park Code of Ordinances regardingSubsidiary City Boards (1st Reading) Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.
Mayor Anderson suggesting considering increasing the EDAB to eight members with the Chamber president or his/her designee and a representative of the Park Avenue as standing (ex-officio) members with voting privileges.
Commissioner Weaver opposed the Chamber’s and Park Avenue District’s representative having voting rights.
Commissioner DeCiccio spoke in opposition to increasing the size of the board and an automatic appointment, allowing a designee to attend, and establishing a budget for any boards.
Commissioner Sullivan opposed expanding the EDAB but supported changing the residency requirements to allow Winter Park business owners to serve on the EDAB. Commissioner Cooper opposed Chamber president’s automatic appointment to the EDAB and increasing the size of city boards.
Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend Section 2.56(1) deleting the last sentence providing for the WinterPark Chamber of Commerce President to be one of the mayor's appointed members to the EDAB; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. (withdrawn and restated below)
Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the ordinance (as presented) on first reading with the amendment striking the last sentence in Section 2-56(1) and deleting new language; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. (It was clarified later that deletion of new language included only that relating to budget allocation.)
There were no public comments.
Commissioner Cooper expanded her motion to strike all of the new language that was entered for the Commission’s consideration. (Amended in 5/12 meeting to clarify that the new language to be stricken pertains to Economic Development Advisory Board, Sections 2-56 and 2-46(b))
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to amend the ordinance to allow up two non-residential members that have a business within the city limits on EDAB; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Upon a roll call vote on the amendment, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Upon comments by Commissioner Cooper, Mr. Knight stated that the motion approves the ordinance as presented including deletion of Golf Course Advisory Board. After discussion, it was clarified that the motion includes removal of the money authorization and the Chamber’s standing membership and retains seven-person membership.
Upon a roll call vote on the main motion with the amendment, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
It was clarified further that the ordinance contains creation of the OAO Appearance Review Board and that this board will become active upon adoption of the OAO. 12) City Commission Reports Commissioner Sullivan • Spoke on the new Orange County Solar Co-op that allows residents to create a group that would provide group discounts for solar roof installation.
Commissioner DeCiccio • Commended Police Department on video that was released two years ago as part of Law Enforcement Lip Sync Video Challenge.
Commissioner Cooper • Reminded everyone of Biodiversity Day on Saturday. • Asked for a work session to discuss the Post Office. Mayor Anderson asked staff to coordinate work session that includes discussion of the post office and use of old Library. • Thanked city staff for the high-quality minutes and making them available quickly after meetings.
Commissioner Weaver • Thanked Mayor Anderson for his suggestion regarding installing fiberoptic conduit simultaneously with electric undergrounding. • Suggested that the Commission consider requiring a supermajority vote of the commission to change PQP zoning to anything but R1. Attorney Ardaman reviewed the processes to initiate this change which requires a charter amendment and voter approval. Consensus was to schedule a work session to begin the process. • Suggested that the city consider sunsetting the use of gas leaf blowers. Mayor Anderson suggested addressing the noise issue as well. Consensus was to add to a future agenda.
• Said he would like to include in upcoming budget discussions the purchase of electric vehicles for Police Department.
Mayor Anderson
• Expressed his enthusiasm about the role of EDAB and is looking forward to working closely with that board. He encouraged the Commission to become more engaged with the city boards.
• Received report from Economic Recovery Task Force.
• Requested Statement of Work and proposal from IDEAS.
• Received Mayor’s annual board appointments and Commissioner Cooper’s
appointments to fill vacancies.
• Received report on Comprehensive AnnualFinancial Report.
• Approved the Consent Agenda with amendments to minutes.
• Appointed Commissioner Weaver as alternate to the MPO Municipal AdvisoryBoard.
• Tabled the purchase of 929-957 W. Fairbanks Avenue.
• Appointed Tony Grey to Police Officers Pension Board and reappointed Wayne Kalish to Firefighters’ Pension Board.
• Approved the ordinance on city boards to exclude mandatory appointment of the Winter Park Chamber president and budget allocation and changing the residency requirement to allow up to two members to be non-residents but business owners.
• Directed staff to coordinate a work session to discuss the post office and old library.
• Directed staff to begin process to amend the charter to allow supermajority vote.
• Directed staff to prepare agenda item to address sunsetting use of gas-powered leaf blowers.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
View the original PDF at the City of Winter Park (
Posted to on May 31, 2021.