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Winter Park City Commission - Meeting Minutes - May 12, 2021


May 12, 2021, at 3:30 p.m.


Mayor Phil Anderson

Commissioner Marty Sullivan

Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

Assistant City Manager Michelle Neuner

City Attorney Kurt Ardaman

City Clerk Rene Cranis

1) Meeting Called to Order

2) Invocation Parsram Rajaram, Director of Information Technology, provided the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

3) Approval of Agenda There were no changes to the agenda.

4) Mayor’s Report a. Presentation by Historic Preservation Board SeniorPlanner Jeff Briggs introduced Historic Preservation Board Chairman John Skofield who recognized board members present and gave a presentation on the board’s programs and the value of historic preservation. b. Employee Recognition: Milestone anniversaries with the city. Mayor Anderson spoke highly of city staff and congratulated employees who reached a milestone anniversary. Mrs. Neuner read the names of employees who reached 5, 10 and 15 years of service in 2020.

5) City Manager’sReport • MLK Park Plan – preliminary design should be completed in the coming months which will be presented to the Commission in order to move forward. • Electric underground - construction is on schedule. The city has a program for residents to voluntarily drop their service at the time of undergrounding at a reduced rate. Staff will provide the study on service drops. • Central Park stage– in the design stage and is scheduled for 2024, but it could be done sooner if funding is available.

7) Non-Action Items a. Presentation from Park Avenue District Sarah Grafton and Ashley Fraebel, Park Avenue District, recognized members present and gave a presentation on their mission, goals, efforts and past and future events.

c. Board Appointments - Additional appointments by Mayor Anderson. Mayor Anderson reported Commissioner DeCiccio’s appointment of Douglas Bond to the Code Compliance Board and his appointments as follows: • Community Redevelopment AdvisoryBoard – Matthew Hurst • Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals – William Maroon and Tony Apfelbeck (reappointments) • Public Art Advisory Board – JeffreyMann and Michael Barimo d. Financial report for the six months ended March 31, 2021 Director of Finance Wes Hamil presented the financial report and responded to questions.

9) Consent Agenda a. Approval of minutes of the Work Session, April 21, 2021 (removed by Commissioner Cooper) b. Approval of the minutes of the Work Session, April 28, 2021 c. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting, April 28, 2021 (removed by Commissioner Cooper) d. Approval of the minutes of the Work Session, April29, 2021 e. Accept Housing Authority Board recommendations to fill vacancies on the Housing Authority Board: • Tammie Holiday, resident member, to replaceDorothy Felton (Term expires 2022) • Dawn Ofodile to replace Judith Kovisars (Term expires 2022)

f. Approval of the following contracts: 1. Allcrete, Inc. - RFP13-17A - Continuing Concrete Services; Amount $500,000; 2. Johnson-Laux Construction, LLC - RFQ11-18B - Repair & Construction Services (< $200k/project); Amount $500,000; 3. SGM Engineering, Inc - RFQ9-19A - Professional MEP Engineering Services; Amount $30,000; 4. Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. - RFQ9-19A– Professional MEP Engineering Services; Amount $30,000; 5. Smithson Electric, Inc - IFB13-19B- Electrician Services; Amount $150,000; 6. Yang, Inc. - IFB13-19B - Electrician Services; Amount $150,000; 7. Tom's Sod Services Inc. - IFB26-18A- Purchase, Delivery& Installation of Sod; Amount $175,000.

g. Approval of the formal solicitations: 8. Paterson Pope, Inc. - IFB21-21 Winter Park Library Shelving;Amount $298,935.

h. Approval of the following piggyback contracts: 1. Cain Enterprises, LLC - Volusia County - RFP S-802BC – Water and Wastewater Facilities – Operations and Maintenance; Amount $75,000. Term through 5/26/2024; 2. 2.Tyco Integrated Security,LLC - Sourcewell #031517-TIS - Facility Security Equipment, Systems & Services; Amount $165,000; 3. 3.Control Technologies, Inc. - FDOT DOT-ITB-20-9034-GH – APL Traffic Equipment; Amount $100,000. Term through 11/3/2022. Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve Consent Agenda Items b and d - h; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.

LaWanda Thompson, 664 W. Lyman Avenue, spoke on behalf of her organization Equity Council Court that hosts events that help children and the community and asked for support of smaller non-profits with the ARP funding.She also requested to be provided with information on how to request future support.

Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Item 9a: Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend the minutes on Page 2, Page 10, changing in the last line to read “Change the maximum height of floors above the first floor to 12 feet.” and under bullet beginning “Throughout the document…” change “setback” to “stepback”; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.

Item 9c:Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to amend the minutes on Page 4, 4th paragraph, changing “12 feet” to “11 feet” and on Page 6, 3rd paragraph from the bottom to read “to clarify that the language to be stricken pertains to Economic Development Advisory Board, Section 2-56, and Section 2-46(b).”; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.

Upon a roll call vote on both motions, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

10) Action Items RequiringDiscussion a. Appeal of Tree Permit Denial -1601Pine Ave Attorney Ardaman provided the background of this appeal which the commission can approve or deny.

City Forester Josh Nye. He provided the background of the tree removal permit process for this property as part of new construction and stated the applicant received approval to remove 11 trees but denial to remove 3 trees and responded to questions regarding tree placement, tree standards and regulations and impact.

The applicant was not present nor participating virtually.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to deny the appeal; seconded by Commissioner Cooper.

Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to amend the motion to allow the tree next to path to be removed; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio.

There were no public comments.

Upon a roll call vote on the amendment, Commissioners DeCiccio and Weaver voted yes and Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan and Cooper voted no. Motion failed with a 2-3 vote.

Upon a roll call vote on the main motion, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

b. Library and Events Center Room/AreaNaming Proposals Mr. Knight provided the background for naming of rooms at the Center and stated that Mr. Tiedtke, through Florida Charities, came forward with a $750,000 donation and the amphitheater will be named Tiedtke Amphitheater. He expressed his gratitude for his generosity and for the continued partnership to draw events to arts events in the city.

Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the Room/Area Naming Proposal List and the Donor Agreement naming the Tiedtke Amphitheater; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

c. Potential Improvements/Modifications at Fairbanks Avenue & DenningDrive Director of Planning and Transportation Bronce Stephenson provided the history of discussions on the acquisition of property for intersection improvements and gave a presentation on existing conditions and two improvement scenarios, one to widen the travel lanes on Fairbanks Avenue to 11 feet and the second to add dedicated left-turn lane at Denning and widen the travel lanes to 11 feet. He responded to questions and discussion followed on impact to adjacent businesses, FDOT regulations and ADA sidewalk requirements.

In-depth discussion followed on the need to know FDOT regulations, the impact of becoming a landlord, whether there is a critical need to purchase the property at this time, current and future funding availability and alternative solutions (rear access, reduce curb cuts).

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to table; seconded by Commissioner Cooper.

Members of the Commission identified the need for more information on FDOT regulations, city investment in maintaining the property, liability and fire and code regulations. A work session was suggested within90 days to discuss the impact of becoming a landlord.

Upon a roll call vote to table (for 90 days), Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

The meeting recessed at 6:13 and reconvened at 6:25 p.m.

8) Citizen Comments | 5 p.m. or soon thereafter Jackie OswaltMoore, Austin's Coffee, expressed her concern about safety of pedestrians using the sidewalk on the south side of Fairbanks and supported further evaluation of the intersection.

Lawanda Thompson, 664 W. Lyman, spoke on establishing a school in the community for which she has petitions of support which will be delivered to Orange County School Board. She asked the city for assistance and through the process. She provided copies of the petition for each member of the Commission. Commissioner Cooper asked Ms. Thompson to provide the Commission with requirements and process to establish a new school.

Marcus Robinson (no address given) expressed his frustration on communication with landlords of Fairbanks Avenue properties and urged the commission to be accepting of people’s differences.

10) Action Items Requiring Discussion (continued) d. Review of AmericanRescue Plan allocations. Mayor Anderson noted that the city will receive approximately $12.9 million under the ARP and summarized Commission prior discussions on use of those funds.

Mr. Knight advised that as a result of additional guidance from Department of the Treasury, staff believes there is more flexibility and that the Commission may want to reconsider allocation of funds. He responded to questions and discussion followed on earmarked Federal funding for Mead Garden, solar, and Housing Authority property improvements. Consensus was to remove solar canopy from the ARP list and include it in the infrastructure bill, defer the housing authority repairs for more information, and that additional funding for Mead Garden (above earmarked funding) would have to be allocated from the ARP or infrastructure bill.

Commissioner Sullivan spoke in support of the Library but questioned providing a disproportionate share of the funding to the Library.He suggested identifying those organizations the city wishes to support including non-profits not currently supported by the city and split the funds equally which will provide a broader benefit to the city.

Commissioner DeCiccio disagreed with reducing funding to the Library and spoke on the Library’s need for computers, WIFI and the Library’s reduced revenue and shortfalls.

Sabrina Bernat, Executive Director of the Library, noted that the Library is the largest non-profit in the community and outlined the population supported by the Library and the needs to support those groups. She stated funds would be directly reinvested in community services, home-bound services and adding mail delivery. Discussion followed on the city’s support and the Library’s use of that support. Mrs. Bernat advised that the Library is short about $400,000 in this fiscal year.

Commissioner Cooper suggested development of a budget for organizational support and development of criteria in order to solicit applications from which the city would determine eligibility for support.

Further discussion ensued on how to allocate funds for the Library and non-profits.

Motion made by Mayor Anderson to allocate $1.1 million to non-profits with $600,000 allocated to the Library over 18 months, $300,000 (except Library and Dr. Phillips) divided equally ($24,000) between current city-supported non-profits and $200,000 split equally to other non-profits based on guidelines developed by staff and approved by the Commission; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

The following presented information on their organization and their request for support: • Lawanda Thompson, Equity Council Court • Randy Robertson, Gladdening Light • Elizabeth Gwynn, Bach Festival Society • Heather Alexander, Winter Park Playhouse • Brittany Picher, Center for Independent Living

Michael Perleman, 1010 Greentree Drive, suggested that the city determine the future use of the old Library before spending funds on renovations and asked who will own the art at the Library. Mr. explained the need to maintain/repair the old Library Knight advised that the City will own the art.

Jackie Oswalt Moore suggested that the city allow local artists to loan art to the Library for the opportunity to sell and encouraged the city consider allocating funds back to residents in the form of credits on their utility bill.

Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5–0 vote.

Mayor Anderson clarified that staff will review the requests and present funding scenarios at a future meeting for consideration. In response to questions, Mr. Knight stated that some of the general items being funded need to have project scopes that will be presented to the Commission for approval.

Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approve general funding allocations subject to possible revisions at a future date; seconded by Mayor Anderson. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title.

Commissioner DeCiccio commented on the OAO Appearance ReviewAdvisory Board and said she feels the review requirements should not apply to all projects as it will be burdensome to small businesses. Discussion followed with clarification that the review requirements are in the OAO zoning text ordinance and small projects under 10,000 square feet do not have provide 3-D architectural renderings.

Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to table until the next meeting; seconded by Mayor Anderson. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

12) City Commission Reports Commissioner DeCiccio • Stated that she has received e-mails requesting benches in West Meadow and asked if benches could be added. Consensus was to direct staff to research. • Asked whether grants are available to replace the cameras on Park Avenue. Police Chief Michael Deal advised that no grants are available. Staff noted that this could be included in the budget or as part of the ARP funding. • Asked for creation of a task force to make recommendations to provide broadband throughout the city. After discussion, consensus was for staff to provide the Commission a previous report on broadband and bring back a scope for a task force or the Utilities Advisory Board.

Commissioner Sullivan • Commented on the Orange County Solar Coop that provides group solar opportunities. • Suggested that annual Library support should be separated from other non-profit organizational support in the budget. • Commended DePugh Nursing Home for achieving 92% staff vaccination rate.

Commissioner Cooper • Noted that ethics training is being hosted by the city on Thursday. May 20. • Reminded everyone of the OAO work session tomorrow at 1:00. • Expressed gratitude for community participation in the city.

Commissioner Weaver • Thanked city staff for meeting with him and advised of the difficulties converting electric vehicles for police patrol but will look at for non-patrol vehicles. He stressed the need to look at super chargers. • Gave a presentation comparing of gas, electric and battery-operated leaf blowers and impact on noise, environment and personal health. After discussion, consensus was to have Keep Winter Park Beautiful and Sustainable Advisory Board research to include incentives, sunset date, communications efforts, report on other agencies success, small business and economic impact. Parks and Recreation Director Jason Seeley advised that the city is purchasing battery-operated blowers for parks maintenance.

Mayor Anderson • Thanked everyone for their input.

13) Summary of Meeting Actions • Appointments were made to city boards. • Directed staff to provide a study on service drops and lighting • Approved the ConsentAgenda (with amendments) • Denied appeal of the tree removal permit. • Approved Tiedtke Amphitheater and naming agreement. • Tabled Fairbanks Avenue discussion for 90 days to evaluate conditions of the properties, obtain information from FDOT, and directed staff to schedule a work session to discuss impact of becoming a landlord. • Approved ARP funding of general items with condition that staff bring back specific line items for future consideration and approved allocation to non- profits at $600,000 for the Library, $300,000 for city supported non-profits divided equally, and $200,000 for other non-profits. • Tabled the ordinance relating to city boards.

• Directed staff to look at installing benches in the West Meadow.

• Directed staff to research installing/updating cameras on Park Avenue.

• Directed staff to develop scope for broadband task force and provide prior report to the Commission.

• Keep Winter Park Beautiful and Sustainable Advisory Board to research gas-powered blowers including economic impact, other agencies regulations.

The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.

Posted to on June 1, 2021.

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