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City Commission Work Session Minutes - March 11, 2021


Vice-Mayor Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

City Clerk Rene Cranis


Mayor Steve Leary

Also Present:

Planner Allison McGillis

Director of Planning and Transportation Bronce Stephenson

Transportation Manager Sarah Walter

1) Call to Order Vice Mayor Cooper called the work session to order at 2:35 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) Orange Avenue Overlay Discussion Vice Mayor Cooper explained that the purpose of the meeting was to review the proposedComprehensive Plan changes to the OAO from the February 25th meeting. She encouraged people to submit comments to Mayor and Commissioners and attend the upcoming virtual forums.

Mr. Stephenson clarified that the virtual forums topics and format onMarch 15th at 5:30 p.m. and the Progress Point Charette on March 17th at 5:30 p.m. Vice Mayor Cooper asked for the opportunity to receive visuals on transportation from the forum. Sarah Walter explained the FARs discussed during the transportation forum.

The following provisions were amended or approved by consensus. • Future Land Use Maps showing boundaries (amended per prior discussions) • First Whereas paragraph (amended to identify involvement.) Commissioner DeCiccio suggested that the City Attorney review the language.

Commissioner Weaver joined the work session at 2:53 p.m.

Mr. Stephenson reviewed the subarea map showing changes to Subarea A and SubareaD with changes to Palmetto (not divided by Harmon Avenue proposed to be vacated). Commissioner Cooper stated that she is opposed to changes to the map. She feels the two properties facingPalmetto Avenue and Orange Avenue should be in Subarea A and that Palmetto Avenue should have consistent A frontage.

Commissioner Weaver supported Vice Mayor Cooper’s proposal for the D properties. He commented on area traffic and the need for traffic improvements in other areas such as Fairbanks Avenue. Discussion was held on the need for an overall traffic plan for the area.

Commissioner Weaver addressed the six-point intersection at Denning/Orange/ Minnesota Avenues and asked for staff and/or Kimley-Horn to provide a scale model showing all easements needed from the Subarea I properties for the roundabout and showing that emergency vehicles can be accommodated and that Kimley Horn provide an example of an existing six-point roundabout and area surrounding the roundabout. Commissioner Weaver requested to meet with staff to discuss further.

Commissioner Weaver asked for an update on transportation impact fees. Mr. Stephenson stated that staff is researching and discussing options for impact fees. He explained that he has information from other agencies on how fees are calculated and the criteria for each agency is very different. Vice Mayor Cooper stated that the impact fee contribution needs to be defined to determine what the city’s and developer’s responsibility. Consensus was that transportation impact fee must be in place before any permits are issued.

Discussion continued on traffic issues on Orange Avenue. Commission Weaver suggested potential solutions to speeding (raised crosswalks); parking (incentivize businesses with little walkup traffic spaces to access property from the rear);six-point intersection (dedicated turn lanes on Orange Avenue to Denning and Minnesota). Consensus was to continue this discussion during the roundabout/traffic work session.

Mr. Stephenson reviewed a map of revisedSubarea D showingPalmetto realigned and after Harmon is closed. Discussion was held on vacation of Harmon, alignment of Palmetto, different FARs and height on the A and D properties alongPalmetto.

Subareas were discussed and changes agreed upon as follows: • Subarea A. No changes. • Subarea B. No changes. • Subarea C. c. Maximum Height: 2 stories with possible rooftop area to be excluded from FAR calculations as approved by the City Commission. (Per minutes of March 25, this was to be re-addressed in a work session for clarification) d. Maximum Height of Parking Structure: 3 stories, 4 levels

• Subarea D. c. Maximum Height:5 stories (Not to exceed58-ft.), agreed by consensus. (Per minutes of March 25, this was to be re-addressed in a work session for clarification)

• Subarea E. No changes. • Subarea F. No changes. • Subarea G. No changes. • Subarea H. No changes. • Subarea I. No changes. • Subarea J. c. Maximum Height: 3 stories on Fairbanks and Denning, 4 stories on Holt and Capen with 80-ft setbacks. Discussion was held on service alley and emergency vehicle access solutions for Subarea J, no consensus was reached.

• Subarea K. No changes. • Policy 1-XXX: Meaningful Open Space Requirements. No changes. • Policy 1-XXX: Parallel Orange Avenue Access. No changes. • Policy 1-XXX: Contribution to Transportation Infrastructure. No changes. • Policy 1-XXX: Appearance Review. In addition to meeting the architectural standards as set forth in this section, all external renovation or development projects within the OAO shall undergo Appearance Review prior to public hearing. • Policy 1-XXX: Public Hearings for Conditional Uses. Two public hearings shall be required for Conditional Use. • Policy 1-XXX: Floor Area Ratio for Parking Structures.

Add underground not included in FAR, remove “parking dedicated for public parking”. Discussion ensued regarding definitions for small businesses, and whether a definition should be included, or if it should be replaced with “subarea A”. Consensus was to leave it as “small businesses”.

Vice-Mayor Cooper suggested adding the following language to the Public Notice and HearingRequirements: (3) All changes to OAO zoning code text and subarea maps and approval of Conditional Uses for all projects that meet the size, density or intensity requirements for city-wide notice, shall be deemed approved when the change has received the affirmative vote of a majority of the city commission on at least two separate meetings at either regular or special meetings of the commission. If the city commission approves the required conditional use at the first public hearing, such approval shall not be considered final until the second approval at the second public hearing. Agreed by consensus.

Mayor Elect Anderson joined the meeting.He stated that he is looking forward to the work sessions going forward.

The next OAO work session will be Thursday,March 25, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.

3) Adjournment

The work session adjourned at 5:28 p.m.

Posted to on May 3, 2021.

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